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Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Exercise and Sport PDF

$68.00 USD

$68.00 USD

ISBN: 9781492573852


Page Count: 392

Access Duration: 10 Years

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The world of exercise and sport is fascinated by motivation and the factors that drive it. It’s no wonder researchers—both in and out of the sport domain—will enthusiastically welcome Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Exercise and Sport.

Motivation is central to many social psychological theories that aim to explain behavior, including self-determination theory, one of the most influential theories of human motivation developed in the last three decades. Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Exercise and Sport examines the contribution of this theory to the understanding of motivation and behavior in the domains of exercise and sport. This is the first book to synthesize key research of self-determination theory as it relates to sport and exercise into one convenient volume. Written by a broad range of leading researchers, this reference will be a trend setter in the understanding of internal motivation and how to maximize performance and adherence. Furthermore, this volume will fill in research gaps, improve existing research, and set new directions for research in this vibrant area.

Self-determination theory is based on the premise that individuals pursue self-determined goals to satisfy their basic psychological needs to independently solve problems, interact socially, and master tasks. The book begins with an introductory chapter in which the founding fathers of self-determination theory, Edward L. Deci and Richard Ryan, provide an overview of the theory and its constituent subtheories and chart its history with respect to exercise and sport, highlighting classic studies and seminal works along the way. This introduction masterfully provides sufficient theoretical grounding and serves as an excellent prologue to subsequent chapters.

The remainder of the book is organized in two parts that cover research in the domains of exercise and sport. Part I examines the contribution of self-determination theory to the explanation of participation in and adherence to health-related exercise, and it examines the motivational experiences and contingencies that bring about exercise behavior and health-related outcomes. The recommendation sections that follow each chapter provide specialists interested in promoting exercise—including personal trainers, clinicians, health psychologists, and physical educators—with key strategies to motivate people to regularly participate in exercise for health.

Part II discusses the role that self-determination theory plays in explaining motivational processes involved in competitive sport contexts and summarizes the state of the literature concerning self-determination theory in diverse areas of sport, including athletes’ motivation and sport performance, goal content and orientations, dropout, psychological well-being, and coaching behaviors. The recommendations outlined at the close of each chapter provide coaches, sport psychologists, sport promoters and managers, and physical educators with realistic, practical solutions to maximize sport performance, persistence in training, and, above all, enjoyment and well-being among athletes.

Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Exercise and Sport also integrates self-determination theory concepts with other theoretical frameworks to highlight the versatility of the theory and encourage future research. Each chapter in the text closes with clearly explained, in-depth suggestions for future research and for transferring findings into practice.

Whether you’re a researcher in sport and exercise or in any other area where performance and adherence issues are key, Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Exercise and Sport will leave you inspired by the editors’ and contributors’ research and philosophy, brought together here to advance the knowledge of motivation in exercise and sport.

Part I. Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Exercise

Chapter 1. Exercise Participation Motives: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective

David Markland, PhD; and David K. Ingledew, PhD

Chapter 2. Perceived Autonomy Support and Psychological Need Satisfaction

Jemma K. Edmunds, PhD; Nikos Ntoumanis, PhD; and Joan L. Duda, PhD

Chapter 3. The Trans-Contextual Model of Motivation

Martin S. Hagger, PhD; and Nikos L.D. Chatzisarantis, PhD

Chapter 4. Self-Determination and Motivation in Physical Education

Martyn Standage, PhD; Fiona Gillison, MSc; and Darren C. Treasure, PhD

Chapter 5. Self-Determination Theory and Motivational Interviewing in Exercise

David Markland, PhD; and Maarten Vansteenkiste, PhD

Chapter 6. Self-Determination Theory, Exercise, and Well-Being

Philip M. Wilson, PhD; and Wendy M. Rodgers, PhD

Chapter 7. The Flow State and Physical Activity Behavior Change as Motivational Outcomes: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective

Michelle Fortier, PhD; and John Kowal, PhD

Chapter 8. Perceived Feedback and Motivation in Physical Education and Physical Activity

Vello Hein, PhD; and Andre Koka, PhD

Part II. Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Sport

Chapter 9. Measurement Issues in Self-Determination Theory and Sport

Luc G. Pelletier, PhD; and Philippe Sarrazin, PhD

Chapter 10. Motivation in Elite-Level Sport: A Self-Determination Perspective

Darren C. Treasure, PhD; Pierre-Nicolas Lemyre, PhD; Kendy K. Kuczka, PhD; and Martyn Standage, PhD

Chapter 11. Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Goal Promotion in Exercise and Sport: Understanding the Differential Impacts on Performance and Persistence

Maarten Vansteenkiste, PhD; Bart Soenens, MSc; and Willy Lens, PhD

Chapter 12. Competence Motivation in Sport and Exercise: The Hierarchical Model of Achievement Motivation and Self-Determination Theory

David E. Conroy, PhD; Andrew J. Elliot, PhD; and J. Douglas Coatsworth, PhD

Chapter 13. Understanding Young People’s Motivation Toward Exercise: An Integration of Sport Ability Beliefs, Achievement Goal Theory, and Self-Determination Theory

Chee Keng John Wang, PhD; and Stuart J.H. Biddle, PhD

Chapter 14. Coaching Effectiveness: Exploring the Relationship Between Coaching Behavior and Self-Determined Motivation

Anthony J. Amorose, PhD

Chapter 15. A Self-Determination Theory Approach to Dropout in Athletes

Philippe G. Sarrazin, PhD; Julie C.S. Boiché, PhD; and Luc G. Pelletier, PhD

Chapter 16. Self-Determination Theory and Well-Being in Athletes: It’s the Situation That Counts

Marylène Gagné, PhD; and Céline Blanchard, PhD

Chapter 17. A Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation for Sport and Physical Activity

Robert J. Vallerand, PhD

Conclusion. Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Exercise and Sport: Reflecting on the Past and Sketching the Future

Nikos L.D. Chatzisarantis, PhD; and Martin S. Hagger, PhD

Martin S. Hagger, PhD, is a chartered psychologist and reader in social and health psychology in the School of Psychology at the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. He has authored more than 50 research articles, book chapters, and books on motivation, including Social Psychology of Exercise and Sport with Nikos Chatzisarantis. He was commissioned to edit Advances in Self-Determination Theory Research in Exercise and Sport, a special issue of the peer-reviewed scholarly journal Psychology of Exercise and Sport. He is coeditor of Psychology and Health, associate editor of Psychology of Sport and Exercise, and on the international advisory board of British Journal of Health Psychology.

Nikos L.D. Chatzisarantis, PhD, is a principal lecturer in the School of Psychology at University of Plymouth, United Kingdom. Since 1995 he has been researching human motivation and decision-making processes from a self-determination theory perspective. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals of both mainstream psychology and exercise psychology. He earned a PhD in education and a master’s degree in sport and exercise psychology from the University of Exeter. He is a member of the advisory boards of International Journal of Sport Psychology, Psychology and Health, and Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport.

“This book covers all one would need to know about the topic of intrinsic motivation, including a beautiful schematic representation of self-determination theory illustrating the components that underlie the theory.”

-The Sport Psychologist, March 2008

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Dave Kondris
Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Exercise and Sport PDF

Unfortunately, I cannot recommend this book for coaches. There was very little in terms of practical advice for active high-performance coaches. I found the chapters quite repetitive and felt they did not delve much deeper into Self-Determination Theory than can be gleaned from simply reading Wikipedia. For an example of repetition, although I am a gymnastics coach, I did not need to read essentially the same thing about Gagné, Ryan and Bargmann's 2003 study in four or five different places in the book.