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Integrated Risk Management for Leisure Services PDF

$54.00 USD

$54.00 USD
$71.00 USD

ISBN: 9781492575849


Page Count: 320

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Integrated Risk Management for Leisure Services provides both students and professionals with a systematic approach to safety. By integrating risk management, accident prevention, and emergency response with information on legal liability, Integrated Risk Management for Leisure Services enables leisure service providers to implement strategies to reduce or eliminate bodily injury, property damage, and financial loss.

Integrated Risk Management for Leisure Services uses a four-phase integrated risk management model. The first three phases focus on negligence, the accident process, and risk management plans to reduce or eliminate injury, damage, or loss. The fourth phase focuses on what to do after an incident occurs to reduce the impact of injury, damage, or loss.

Integrated Risk Management for Leisure features several unique aspects for students and professionals in the recreation and park field. It covers safety prevention and accident processes in the recreation and parks field. Then it addresses how to manage the post-incident situation to reduce impacts. Last, the text integrates these two new areas with the traditional areas of legal liability and risk management planning in an effort to provide safer recreation and park programs.

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