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Hiking Michigan 2nd Edition PDF

$21.95 USD

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ISBN: 9781492573791


Page Count: 328

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Hiking Michigan is your complete guide to 146 of the most scenic day hikes in the state. From Upper to Lower Peninsula and all trails in between, you’ll experience the spectacular beauty of the Great Lake State In this one-of-a-kind resource you’ll find these features:
  • Detailed descriptions of every hike in every region, including special points of interest, estimated hiking time and distance, and difficulty ratings for each trail
  • Phone numbers and Web sites, park hours and rules, and available facilities for 77 of the state’s most scenic parks and natural areas
  • Easy-to-read maps for every park and trail to help you navigate your hike and locate landmarks and other points of interest
  • A convenient trail finder that provides a summary of each trail’s features and available facilities
Hiking Michigan brings to life the history, terrain, flora, and fauna of each area. And its descriptions of nearby recreational and sightseeing destinations ensure you won’t miss anything on your trip. Hiking Michigan is your guide to enjoying the great outdoors! ContentsUpper Peninsula1 Drummond Island 2 Lime Island 3 Bois Blanc Island 4 Mackinac Island State Park 5 Mackinac Bridge 6 Hiawatha National Forest East Unit 7 Tahquamenon Falls State Park 8 Seney National Wildlife Refuge 9 Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore 10 Grand Island National Recreation Area 11 Fayette Historic State Park 12 Hiawatha National Forest West Unit 13 Little Presque Isle Tract 14 Old Town Negaunee 15 Estivant Pines Nature Sanctuary 16 Hunter's Point Park 17 Fumee Lake Natural Area 18 Van Riper State Park 19 McCormick Wilderness 20 Craig Lake State Park 21 Isle Royale National Park 22 Sylvania Wilderness 23 Ottawa National Forest 24 Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park 25 Black River Harbor National Forest Recreation Area Northern Lower Peninsula26 Negwegon State Park 27 Thompson's Harbor State Park 28 Huron National Forest, Lumberman's Monument 29 Hoist Lakes Foot Travel Area 30 Ocqueoc Falls Bicentennial Pathway 31 Sinkhole Area 32 Clear Lake State Park 33 Pigeon River Country 34 George Mason River Retreat Area 35 Wakeley Lake Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized Area 36 Hartwick Pines State Park 37 Historic Mill Creek Discovery Park 38 The Headlands 39 Wilderness State Park 40 Gaylord Forest Management Unit 41 Jordan River Valley 42 Grass River Natural Area 43 Wm. Mitchell State Park 44 Leelanau State Park 45 Beaver Island 46 Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore 47 North Manitou Island 48 South Manitou Island 49 Nordhouse Dunes Wilderness 50 Ludington State Park Southern Lower Peninsula51 Sanilac Petroglyphs State Historic Park 52 Port Crescent State Park 53 Detroit International Riverfront 54 Wm. C. Sterling State Park 55 William P. Holliday Forest and Wildlife Preserve 56 West Bloomfield Woods Nature Preserve 57 Indian Springs Metropark 58 Maybury State Park 59 For-Mar Nature Preserve and Arboretum 60 Parker Mill Park 61 Bay City State Recreation Area 62 Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge/Green Point Environmental Learning Center 63 Pinckney Recreation Area 64 Waterloo Recreation Area 65 Hidden Lake Gardens 66 Chippewa Nature Center 67 Whitehouse Nature Center 68 Yankee Springs Recreation Area 69 Kalamazoo Nature Center 70 Aman Park 71 North Country National Scenic Trail, Birch Grove Schoolhouse 72 Manistee National Forest, Loda Lake Wildflower Sanctuary 73 Saugatuck Dunes State Park 74 P.J. Hoffmaster State Park 75 Muskegon State Park 76 Sarett Nature Center 77 Warren Dunes State Park/Warren Woods Natural Area

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