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High-Performance Nutrition for Masters Athletes Online CE Exam Without Book

Author: Human Kinetics

$60.00 USD

Online Exam Without Book
$60.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718227224


Approved Credits:

NOTE: The book High-Performance Nutrition for Masters Athletes is required for successful completion of this exam but is not included with this purchase. Purchase this Online CE Exam Without Book only if you already own the book or ebook.

Consisting of 50 multiple-choice questions, this continuing education exam is designed to be taken after reading High-Performance Nutrition for Masters Athletes. The exam will test your knowledge of the information presented in the book so you can understand the physiological needs for athletes over 35 and learn to apply effective fueling strategies to keep them competing and performing at their best.

Once you pass the exam, you can print a certificate for continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Describe the changing nutritional needs of Masters athletes as they age.
  • Define sarcopenia.
  • Understand the role of hormones in appetite and overall nutrition.
  • Describe how nutrition can help aging adults to reduce the risks of developing diabetes, hypertension, and cancer.
  • Interpret research findings that are relevant for Masters athletes’ nutritional choices.
  • Summarize the appropriate carbohydrate, protein, fat, and fluid intake levels for Masters athletes before, during, and after exercise or competition.
  • Discuss the possible benefits and appropriateness of supplement use for certain populations.
  • Recognize the signs of disordered eating and eating disorders as well as the side effects of underfueling.
  • Describe appropriate precompetition, competition-day, and recovery fueling requirements and timing for Masters athletes.


Certified professionals working with aging athletes, including sport nutritionists, personal trainers, and athletic trainers.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Michelle Bamrick

High-Performance Nutrition for Masters Athletes Ebook With CE Exam

kelcey reina
I don't always agree with this author.

This author is definitely biased in her opinions which she teaches in this book as fact. She states that swimming and non-weight bearing exercise is not beneficial for bone health, yet current research shows that swimming and water exercise may not increase bone "density" but can improve bone "flexibility" and is a big factor in decreasing fractures. She is pro-carbohydrate but there are very few studies done on fat-adapted athletes. She has a whole section on reading studies, and yet she states that breakfast is the most important meal of the day based on studies done on SEDENTARY INDIVIDUALS. She does not take into account GMOs or glyphosate contamination. The amounts of liquids are measured in milliliters per kilogram of body weight so you have to convert everything. As with all nutrition courses it is hard to tell what is true and what is opinion. She bases her opinions on studies, but left out the bone flexibility study mentioned above, and admittedly says that there is a lack of studies in many areas. Studies can be used to “prove” or “disprove” most any opinion. Instead of clearing up gray areas, this course just made those gray areas more gray.