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Golf Flow PDF

Author: Gio Valiante

$21.95 USD

$21.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492576402


Page Count: 240

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Because of the level of precision required for excellence, combined with its sensitivity to a golfers’ psychological state, golf is the most mental of all games. Thus a strong mental game is like having an extra club in your bag, as clear thinking translates directly to your scorecard.

The principles in Golf Flow have enabled Dr. Gio Valiante, the PGA Tour’s most prolific performance consultant, to coach his players to over 50 professional wins in the past decade. Golf Flow will help you harness your mind and focus your thoughts so you can enter the elusive zone – known in psychological circles as a flow state – in which time slows down, awareness increases, focus intensifies, and golf becomes effortless.

PGA Tour champions Matt Kuchar, Justin Rose, Camilo Villegas, Vijay Singh and many other pros, as well as amateur golfers around the world, have benefitted from developing their Golf Flow tools with the help of Dr. Valiante. Actual accounts of conquering mental obstacles by adopting a confident and clear mind-set can be found throughout the book.

Part I The Golf Flow Experience

Chapter 1 Time

Chapter 2 Control

Chapter 3 Effort

Chapter 4 Awareness

Part II Your Flow Toolbox

Chapter 5 Skills to Meet Challenges

Chapter 6 Mastery Orientation to Keep Ego in Check

Chapter 7 Growth Mind-Set to Adapt to Changes

Chapter 8 Resilience to Overcome Adversity

Chapter 9 Confidence to Achieve Sustained Success

Part III Flow on the PGA Tour

Chapter 10 Matt Kuchar

            Loving the Game

Chapter 11 Justin Rose

            Understanding Your Motivation

Chapter 12 Stuart Appleby

            Developing Appreciation

Chapter 13 Camilo Villegas

            Accepting Poor Outcomes

Chapter 14 Sean O’Hair

            Being in the Present

Chapter 15 Bryce Molder

            Playing Your Own Game

Part IV Ten Keys to Flow on the Course

Chapter 16 Study Success

Chapter 17 Manage Time Effectively

Chapter 18 Practice With a Purpose

Chapter 19 Achieve a Mastery Mindset

Chapter 20 Discern Between Real and Perceived Limitations

Chapter 21 Craft Your Environment

Chapter 22 Respond Positively to Negativity

Chapter 23 Control Your Body

Chapter 24 Emphasize Rhythm, Not Mechanics

Chapter 25 Play Fearlessly

Dr. Gio Valiante is one of the most prominent sport psychologists in the world. He has worked with many of the sport’s top players, including Matt Kuchar, Justin Rose, Camilo Villegas, Sean O’Hair, Jack Nicklaus, Davis Love III, and Alexis Thompson. His clients over the past decade have won dozens of championships, and he has become the winningest sport psychologist on the PGA Tour during that time.

Valiante was named one of the 40 most influential people in golf under age 40 by Golf magazine in 2011 and was dubbed Guru of the Year by the Golf Channel in 2010. His book Fearless Golf: Conquering the Mental Game (Doubleday/Golf Digest, 2005) is a standard in golf psychology. He is a professor at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida, and serves as the mental game consultant for the Golf Channel, Golf Digest, and the University of Florida.

Valiante lives in Winter Park, Florida.

“In Golf Flow you will learn the proven process that Dr. Gio has implemented to improve my game. Not only has it made me a better player, but it’s also helped me to enjoy the pursuit of personal improvement."

Justin Rose-- 2013 U.S. Open champion; Six-Time PGA Tour Winner; 2012, 2013, 2014 Top 5 World-Ranked Player

"Dr. Gio has given me the mental tools that help me find flow."

Matt Kuchar-- 2013 champion of the Memorial Tournament and the Match Play Championship; Seven-Time PGA Tour Winner; 2013, 2014 Top 5 World-Ranked Player

"This book gives you the tools that PGA Tour players use to clear their minds and play great golf."

Camilo Villegas-- Three-Time PGA Tour Winner

“I would not be prepared for the challenges I face every week on the PGA Tour without my relationship with Dr. Gio. Finding flow has been extremely vital as I compete against the best in the world.”

Bryce Molder-- Four-Time NCAA All-American, 2011 Champion

"In Golf Flow, Dr. Gio will teach you the same principles that helped me become a winner again. I am a better golfer thanks to Dr. Gio!"

Maria Hjorth-- Five-Time LPGA Tour Winner, Five-Time Solheim Cup Member

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