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Fundamental Weight Training

Author: David Sandler

$16.95 USD

$16.95 USD

ISBN: 9780736082808


Page Count: 224

If you’re ready to walk the walk and talk the talk, Fundamental Weight Training is your guide. Learn the basics safely, effectively, and in less time. Over 100 exercises with photo demonstrations are included and supported with step-by-step descriptions for use in the gym or at home. Every aspect of a beginning weight program is covered:

•Exercises and programs to target key areas in every muscle group •Stretching routines to prevent injuries •Steps and tips for developing your own program •Gym language and lingo so you feel at ease walking into any gym

The easy-to-use programs in Fundamental Weight Training will give you the confidence to start training safely and quickly and begin strengthening and toning your body.

Chapter 1. Introduction to Weight Training

Chapter 2. Weight Room Language and Protocol

Chapter 3. Types of Resistance Training

Chapter 4. Warm Up, Stretch, Cool Down

Chapter 5. Chest

Chapter 6. Back

Chapter 7. Shoulders

Chapter 8. Traps

Chapter 9. Arms

Chapter 10. Core

Chapter 11. Glutes and Hips

Chapter 12. Quads

Chapter 13. Hamstrings

Chapter 14. Lower Legs

Chapter 15. Program Design

Chapter 16. Sample Programs

David Sandler has served as science advisor for Spike TV’s Jesse James Is a Dead Man series, Fox Sports’ Sport Science series, and National Geographic’s Fight ScienceSuper Strength, The Science of Steroids, and Humanly Possible shows. He is president and cofounder of StrengthPro Inc. and a member of the advisory boards for Muscle and Fitness Magazine, Muscle Mag International, Reps, Maximum Fitness, and Performance Training Journal of the NSCA.

Sandler has been a strength and conditioning consultant for two decades and presented at almost 300 lectures worldwide with organizations such as the NSCA, ACSM, AFPA, AAHPERD, IFPA, SWIS, ECA, and SCW Fitness. He was the recipient of the Faculty of the Year Award in 2005 for the International Fitness Professionals Association (IFPA).

Sandler has also authored or coauthored 5 books, over 20 scientific articles, and more than 150 articles in power and strength training magazines, including Muscle and Fitness, Men’s Health, and Oxygen. As a former world-class powerlifter, Sandler focuses his research in strength and power development.

"On television, in magazines, on the Web, and now in his new book, Fundamental Weight Training, David Sandler delivers the best information, workouts, and programs for getting stronger."

Jim Stoppani, PhD -- Senior Science Editor, Muscle & Fitness Magazine; Author of Encyclopedia of Muscle & Strength and Stronger Arms and Upper Body

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