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Functional Core for Women Online CE Exam With Print Book

Author: Human Kinetics

$82.00 USD

Online Exam With Print Book
$82.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718211629


Approved Credits:

This package includes the following:
  • Functional Core for Women book
  • Online continuing education exam
Functional Core for Women: Targeted Training for Glutes and Abs helps you work with women of all fitness levels to improve strength and body aesthetics with an original and effective approach to training and reshaping the core muscles.

2022 IDEA Fitness Instructor of the Year Kia Williams sets the stage by breaking down the core’s anatomy to show how the abs and glutes work together and which muscles are best targeted for discernible change. Next, learn how to work with your clients to establish goals, then develop a training program that helps strengthen and engage these major muscle groups.

Functional Core for Women demonstrates more than 45 ab and glute exercises that improve physique, function, and strength. Derived from a variety of disciplines—including traditional weight training, Pilates, barre, and yoga—the exercises feature step-by-step instructions, variations, equipment options, safety cues, and progressions and regressions. You’ll also find 6 sample workouts, along with the guidance you need to create and customize programs for each client you work with.

After reading the book, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify the muscles that comprise the core.
  • Explain the importance of core strength for daily function and performance.
  • Demonstrate how to create an action plan for setting and achieving goals.
  • Develop a program to emphasize core strength for a variety of fitness levels and with a variety of equipment.
  • Demonstrate exercises that strengthen the abdominals and glutes.
  • Identify warm-up and activation exercises.
  • Understand how different workouts can be used to help in reaching personal goals such as improving endurance, augmenting hypertrophy, and increasing intensity.


Certified fitness professionals and personal trainers working with women.
Part I. Understanding the Core
Chapter 1. Core = Abs + Glutes
Chapter 2. Core Functions and Mechanics

Part II. Planning for Results
Chapter 3. Identifying Personal Goals
Chapter 4. Developing Your Core Program

Part III. Exercises
Chapter 5. Standing Core Exercises
Chapter 6. Floor and Seated Core Exercises
Chapter 7. Warm-Up and Activation Exercises
Chapter 8. Stretches

Part IV. Core Workouts
Chapter 9. Core Endurance-Focused Workouts
Chapter 10. Glute Hypertrophy-Focused Workouts
Chapter 11. Core Intensity-Focused Workouts
Kia Williams, MBA, MS, RYT 200, is a global presenter, program specialist, business leader, and podcast and web-series host. She was honored with the IDEA Fitness Instructor of the Year award in 2022.

An ACE-certified group fitness instructor, Williams ( is recognized for her ability to incorporate innovative and progressive exercise techniques that result in improved functional fitness, enhanced physique, and fun workouts. She has been certified and licensed to teach over a dozen fitness formats and is actively creating content and new formats for children and adults.

Williams has served as an executive board member and chairperson for many health-focused organizations, including the Fort Worth–Tarrant County chapter of the NAACP, in which she is the health chairperson. Williams has managed several fitness and wellness programs and facilities and uses her transferable professional skills and business experience to mentor professionals, champion groundbreaking ideas, support multicultural engagement, and make fitness accessible, inclusive, and feasible for the masses. Kia is committed to helping others live a creative, sustainable, gratifying, and healthy lifestyle.

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