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Eat. Lift. Thrive. Online CE Exam With Print Book

Author: Human Kinetics

$83.00 USD

Online Exam With Print Book
$83.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718247710


Approved Credits:

This package includes the following:
  • Eat. Lift. Thrive. book 
  • Online continuing education exam

Eat healthy. Exercise. Be happy. It sounds easy enough, so why is it so difficult? Because as millions of women know, it’s not easy. There are challenges and obstacles, and health programs are not one size fits all.

Sohee Lee understands, because she’s faced the challenges and overcome them. As a trainer, presenter, and author, she’s shared her experiences and helped others establish healthy relationships with food and exercise for long-term results.

In the book Eat. Lift. Thrive. she empowers you with tools and strategies to help your clients make positive changes. You will learn how to identify issues that are holding your clients back, and learn what to do so they can get back on track. Learn how to  
  • incorporate Lee’s Living Lean Guidelines to make diet work around your client’s life, rather than the other way around; 
  • train her Primary Strength Movements and integrate them into an effective workout program; and 
  • adjust routines to maintain results.

Eat. Lift. Thrive. also provides a structured, easy-to-follow 12-week training program. The program can be scaled according to every client’s training experience, time commitment, and goals; it’s completely customizable to ensure lasting changes.  

After reading the book, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • List methods of delayed gratification that help clients to develop discipline.
  • Describe the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.
  • Identify the types of support that can help clients reach their goals.
  • Describe the layers of the nutrition pyramid that contribute to simple, healthy eating habits.
  • List the living lean guidelines that support a healthy nutrition strategy.
  • Understand how the principle of moderation applies to healthy eating habits.
  • Explain how to use resistance training to optimize muscle growth and strength gains.
  • Create training programs that account for client lifestyle, environment, and preferences.


A continuing education exam for strength and conditioning and personal training professionals who work with athletes and monitor training programs.

Part I. Reset Your Thinking
Chapter 1. Forget What You Know
Chapter 2. Failing Forward
Chapter 3. You’re Not Alone

Part II. Eat
Chapter 4. Nutrition Basics
Chapter 5. Living-Lean Guidelines
Chapter 6. Embrace Moderation

Part III. Lift
Chapter 7. Level Up With Resistance Training
Chapter 8. Primary Strength Movements
Chapter 9. Cardio and Glute Circuits

Part IV. Thrive
Chapter 10. Create Your Program
Chapter 11. Sample Programs
Chapter 12. Monitor Your Progress

About the Author
Sohee Lee, CSCS, CISSN, is a health coach, researcher, and author who specializes in helping women develop healthy relationships with food and their bodies while reaching their fitness goals. She is pursuing her master’s degree in psychology at Arizona State University and earned her bachelor’s degree in human biology from Stanford University. Lee is interested in how the field of behavioral psychology can benefit the health and fitness industry.

Lee is certified as a strength and conditioning specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA-CSCS), as a sports nutritionist through the International Society of Sports Nutrition (CISSN), and as a Strong First Girya (SFG) Level I instructor. She has trained clients at elite gyms such as Peak Performance (New York, New York), Cressey Sports Performance (Hudson, Massachusetts), and Tyler English Fitness (Avon, Connecticut) and has established her own fitness center, SoheeFit Systems (Phoenix, Arizona).

Having battled anorexia and bulimia, Lee knows firsthand the toll disordered eating can take on a life. She seeks to explore the psychology behind habits and behavior change, particularly as they relate to food and exercise. Her mission is to empower women to practice compassion and grace with themselves in the gym, in the kitchen, and in life. A professional bikini competitor through the International Fitness Professionals Association (IFPA) federation and an amateur powerlifter, Lee lends her inspirational perspective to major fitness outlets, including Oxygen Magazine,, and She self-published The Beginner’s Guide to Macros and Reverse Dieting and is coauthor of The Beginner's Guide to Bikini Competitions. She also cohosts Physique Science Radio with Dr. Layne Norton and maintains an active presence on social media.

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