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Diet Lies and Weight Loss Truths Online CE Exam With Ebook

Author: Human Kinetics

$63.00 USD

Online Exam With Ebook
$63.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718247758


Approved Credits:

This package includes the following:
  • Diet Lies and Weight Loss Truths ebook
  • Online continuing education exam

Diet Lies and Weight Loss Truths cuts through all the noise and provides real evidence and practical guidance on choosing a diet plan for your clients that will work to effectively and safely lose excess weight and keep it off. You’ll find answers to the following questions:
  • What are the basic concepts of a successful weight loss plan?
  • What difficulties might you encounter?
  • How can you sift through the hype of popular diets to get the facts?

With over 200 references, you’ll see the science that explains the biological, genetic, and psychological components that make weight loss difficult—without needing to be a scientist to understand it. Get the pros and cons of 12 popular diet styles like keto, low carb, raw food, and cleanses. Review realistic diet planning strategies as well as sample meal plans from a registered dietitian to create a solution for any lifestyle or goals. Hear stories from real people about the practical advice they received that helped them make lasting lifestyle changes to lose weight and keep it off.

After reading the ebook, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives 
  • Differentiate between several types of diets.
  • Distinguish diets popularized by the media from those that are supported by scientific research.
  • Discern which diets are effective—in the short term and the long term—as well as which ones might work best for individual lifestyle choices.
  • Recognize the importance of exercise in relation to weight loss and weight maintenance.
  • Explain the biological and psychological factors that affect weight loss.
  • Describe the process of setting SMART goals for weight loss.
  • Consider additional factors, such as sleep and stress, that can promote or hinder weight loss outcomes.


A continuing education course for personal trainers and other certified fitness professionals.
Preface by Melody Schoenfeld
Introduction by Susan Kleiner, PhD, RD, CNS

Part I
Chapter 1. Low-Carbohydrate Diet
Chapter 2. Low-Fat Diet
Chapter 3. Commercial Diet Plans
Chapter 4. Vegan Diet
Chapter 5. Raw-Food Diet
Chapter 6. Intermittent Fasting
Chapter 7. Gluten-Free Diet
Chapter 8. Blood Type Diet
Chapter 9. Timed Diets
Chapter 10. Cleanses and Detoxes
Chapter 11. Mediterranean Diet
Chapter 12. Three-Hour Diet

Part II
Chapter 13. Regarding Some Other Lies You Might Have Heard
Chapter 14. So What’s the Best Diet?
Chapter 15. What About Exercise?

Part III
Chapter 16. Biology and Weight Loss
Chapter 17. Psychology and Weight Loss
Chapter 18. Other Commonly Asked Questions
Chapter 19. Goal Setting
Chapter 20. Other Important Things

About the Authors
Melody Schoenfeld, CSCS, is a certified personal trainer with over 25 years of training experience in many different disciplines. She holds a master's degree in health psychology and writes and speaks both nationally and internationally on a wide variety of health and fitness subjects. She is the owner of Flawless Fitness, a personal training center in Pasadena, California. In 2019, she was recognized as NSCA’s Personal Trainer of the Year.

Schoenfeld has held state and national records in all three lifts in powerlifting (squat, bench press, and deadlift) and competes in powerlifting and strongman competitions. An aficionado of old-time strongman shows of strength, she performs feats such as tearing phone books and license plates in half and bending steel rebar, horseshoes, and nails. She is the self-published author of Pleasure Not Meating You. In her free time, you’ll find her cooking unreasonably large quantities of vegan food, fronting a few heavy metal bands, and telling horrible jokes.

Susan Kleiner, PhD, RD, CNS, FACN, FISSN, is the founder and owner of the internationally recognized consulting firm High Performance Nutrition LLC. A visionary educator and motivator, she speaks nationally and internationally on topics in the field of nutrition, health, and performance. She is a sought-after expert interview as well as writer in all forms of print, online, and broadcast media. She has authored eight books, including the bestseller The New Power Eating, The Good Mood Diet, and The PowerFood Nutrition Plan.

Kleiner has been the high-performance nutrition consultant to professional athletes and teams nationally and internationally, including the Seattle Storm, Seattle Reign, Seattle Seahawks, Seattle Mariners, Seattle Supersonics, Cleveland Browns, Cleveland Cavaliers, Miami Heat, Olympians, and elite and recreational athletes of all ages in countless sports.

She is a cofounder and fellow of the International Society of Sports Nutrition and a fellow of the American College of Nutrition. She is also a member of the American College of Sports Medicine and the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

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