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Dance Anatomy 3rd Edition epub

Author: Jacqui Haas

$32.95 USD

$32.95 USD
$32.95 USD

ISBN: 9781718219939


Page Count: 296

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Discover the pure power and aesthetic beauty of dance as you perfect your technique with Dance Anatomy, Third Edition. With more than 100 anatomical illustrations in a vibrant new color palette, you will see how specific dance, movement, and performance exercises will help you maintain posture, find more flexibility, breathe appropriately, and reduce the risk of injury that is inherent in executing repetitive movements.

Dance Anatomy is a must-have for every dancer. Exercises and movements are depicted in stunning detail, highlighting the engaged muscles, joints, and tendons so you can clearly see the connection between training and performance.

Thoroughly updated, this third edition features the following:
  • 21 new exercises to improve strength, mobility, and flexibility
  • 42 new illustrations, including new Dance Focus images that explain how the exercises benefit the dancer in different positions and highlight modern expressions in dance
  • New tables in each exercise chapter that describe the location and action of the muscles highlighted so you can see how the muscles contribute to each movement
  • A more robust chapter on brain health that addresses chronic stress and anxiety to provide you with tools for overcoming stage fright or performance anxiety
  • Eight popular dance movements featured in large format, with explanations of how the anatomy works through the movement
Each chapter addresses a key principle of movement, beginning with the center of the body, where dance begins. You will find exercises to target specific areas—such as shoulders and arms, pelvis, and lower legs—to enhance flexibility and ensure safety. You will also discover more efficient ways of improving your lines and technique by implementing a supplementary conditioning program that considers your changing cycles of classes, practices, and rest times.

Dance Anatomy will help you master the impeccable balance, intense muscular control, and grace to prepare you for your next leading role!


Dancers and dance instructors in studio, university, and recreational settings, as well as individuals interested in the art and performance of dance; personal trainers, dance-conditioning trainers, and dance medicine professionals.

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