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Cycling Fast PDF

Author: Robert Panzera

$19.95 USD

$19.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492573470


Page Count: 232

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Cycling Fast is the best resource for any rider with a firm grasp on biking basics and a desire for the thrill of competition. Armed with advice, insights, and instruction from renowned coach and cyclist Robert Panzera, you’ll be ready for every race and every challenge.

From bike preparation to competitive tactics, Cycling Fast provides the essential information you’ll need in order to master each event:

·      Choosing the right race for your skills, talent, and experience

·      Preparing your body and preparing your mind

·      Nutrition for training, racing, and recovery

·      Bike-handling skills for various conditions, environments, and terrains

·      Race-day strategies

Cycling Fast also includes the latest information on new high-tech racing frames, training with a power meter and heart rate monitor, and coordinating your tactics as part of a team.

Whether you’re in a criterium, a time trial, or a stage race or simply looking to ride faster, Cycling Fast is packed with training plans, tips, charts, and checklists that will translate to success at the finish line.




Chapter 1: Getting Started

Chapter 2: Gearing Up

Chapter 3: Choosing Your Race

Chapter 4: Preparing Your Body for Competition

Chapter 5: Mastering the Skills

Chapter 6: Racing Strategies

Chapter 7: Focusing on the Finish

Chapter 8: Nutrition and Hydration

Chapter 9: Year-Round Conditioning

Chapter 10: Pursuing Long-Term Goals


Appendix I: Racing Organizations and Web Sites

Appendix II: Sample Blank Training Log


About the Author

Robert Panzera, MA, is a USA Cycling certified coach and NSCA certified strength and conditioning specialist. In 2009 he received his master’s degree in kinesiology with a specialization in biomechanics. Panzera is an elite cyclist in road, track, and cyclocross events and has accumulated more than 20 career wins along with numerous top 5 and top 10 placings. He is the owner and operator of Cycling Camp San Diego (CCSD), which specializes in winter training for serious road cyclists. The camp is particularly popular with performance cyclists who want to make the leap to racing. During the three- to five-day camps, participants typically ride more than 60 miles per day with total elevation gains of 4,000 to 8,000 feet. Panzera and CCSD take pride not only in physically training cyclists but also in preparing them to race via instruction in bike handling, nutrition, and cycling psychology.

“There is no greater feeling in cycling than having your meticulous preparation pay off through the accomplishment of a major goal. And if your goal is better riding or racing, then Cycling Fast is the tool you need.”

Neil Shirley -- Professional Cyclist

"Coach Panzera helps riders go faster. Quoting the wisdom of past and current cycling legends, he enlivens racing and makes it accessible to the aspiring competitor. Cycling Fast provides the foundation for a lifelong sport."

Arnie Baker, MD -- Six-Time National Champion, Eight-Time U.S. National Record Holder

“If you’re serious about improving your speed, power, and endurance, then you must read Cycling Fast. Robert Panzera has produced a well-written and informative training book that will help move your cycling to the next level.”

Shannon Sovndal, MD -- Author of Cycling Anatomy and Fitness Cycling; Team Physician, Garmin-Transitions Professional Cycling Team

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