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Complete Linebacking-2nd Edition

Author: Lou Tepper

$24.95 USD

$24.95 USD

ISBN: 9781450466455


Page Count: 280

Learn from a legend. Lou Tepper, coach to more than 20 NFL linebackers, including 3 Butkus Award winners, has created the most in-depth book ever written on football’s most important defensive position.

In Complete Linebacking, players and coaches receive a clinic on fundamentals, presnap keys, and techniques used by inside and outside linebackers in specific defenses, including the 32, 31, 52, 51, and 33. Coverage includes 4 key linebacker diagnostic tests, 44 drills to improve linebacking skills, presnap communication, relaying defense signals from the sideline, and special practice and game grading systems to evaluate and maximize performance.

The authoritative guide on playing the position, Complete Linebacking is a must-have for any linebacker, head coach, or defensive coach in today’s fast-paced, ever-evolving game.

Part I Linebacker Profile

Chapter 1. Physical Qualities

Chapter 2. Linebacker Intangibles

Part II Fundamentals

Chapter 3. Hit and Shed

Chapter 4. Pursuit

Chapter 5. Tackling

Chapter 6. Zone Coverage Skills

Chapter 7. Man Coverage Skills

Part III Presnap Activity

Chapter 8. Seconds Signaling the Defense

Chapter 9. Seconds Presnap Information

Part IV Techniques

Chapter 10. Linebacker Technique Terminology

Chapter 11. 32 Technique

Chapter 12. 31 Technique

Chapter 13. 51 and 52 Techniques

Chapter 14. Hawk Technique

Chapter 15. Middle Linebacker Technique

Chapter 16. 5 Techniques

Chapter 17. 7 and 9 Techniques

Chapter 18. 3-3 Gold Medal Defense

Chapter 19. 3-3 Techniques

Part V Teaching and Learning

Chapter 20. Teaching Style

Chapter 21. Practice Organization

Chapter 22. Linebacker Grading

Lou Tepper brings more than 45 years of experience as a college football coach to Complete Linebacking. Since 2012, Tepper has served as defensive coordinator and linebackers coach at the University of Buffalo. As head coach, Tepper has won over 100 games, with stints at the University of Illinois (1991-96), Edinboro University of Pennsylvania (2000-05), and Indiana University of Pennsylvania (2006-10).

He took the Illini to three bowl games, including a win in the 1994 Liberty Bowl. At Edinboro, Tepper led his teams to three Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) titles and two NCAA Division II playoff appearances. He was twice named PSAC West Coach of the Year. At Indiana University of Pennsylvania, he led the Crimson Hawks to an NCAA playoff appearance and was named PSAC West Coach of the Year for the third time.

In compiling an impressive 101-75-2 overall record as head coach, Tepper is well known for his genius on the defensive side of the ball. Tepper held the positions of defensive coordinator and linebackers coach at Louisiana State University (1997-99); defensive coordinator and assistant head coach at Illinois (1988-91); linebackers coach, defensive coordinator, and assistant head coach at the University of Colorado (1983-87); and linebackers coach at Virginia Tech (1978-82).

As linebackers coach, Tepper mentored three Butkus Award winners—Colorado’s Alfred Williams and Illinois’ Dana Howard and Kevin Hardy—and developed more than 20 NFL linebackers, including Simeon Rice and John Holecek. In recognition of his accomplishments and decade of service to the school, the University of Illinois endowed the Lou Tepper Football Scholarship to benefit linebackers in 2006.

“Lou Tepper’s knowledge and ability to teach and coach the linebacker position is OUTSTANDING! He is considered one of the best at any level!”

Sean Payton-- Head Coach New Orleans Saints

“This is perhaps the most comprehensive position book ever written, and Lou Tepper is one of the best to have ever coached the position.”

Grant Teaff-- Executive Director American Football Coaches Association

“Lou Tepper is one of the best teachers and defensive minds I’ve ever worked with. His coaching point of ‘see a little, see a lot, see a lot, see a little’ defines the details and focus in his coaching. Winning is in Lou Tepper’s blood. As you turn each page you will become closer to helping young men reach their goals. Enjoy learning linebacker play from one of the finest in football.”

Jeff Quinn-- Head Football Coach State University of New York at Buffalo

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