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Bodyweight Strength Training Poster: Lower Body and Back

Author: Human Kinetics

$7.95 USD

$7.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492504610


Featuring the captivating artwork from the best-selling book Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy, Bodyweight Strength Training: Lower Body and Back presents nine of the most effective exercises in a full-color, oversized poster format.

Bodyweight Strength Training: Lower Body and Back features exercise instruction and illustrations for the following:

• Towel face pull

• Pull-up

• Wall squat isohold (with wall squat march variation)

• Static lunge (with forward lunge variation)

• Single-leg Romanian deadlift (with reaching variation)

• Glute bridge (with glute march variation)

• Donkey kick (with bird dog variation)

• Side-lying clam

• Squat calf raise

Providing an understanding of the primary and secondary muscles involved in each bodyweight exercise, the illustrations and step-by-step instructions clearly identify safe resistance training movements that can be performed anywhere.

Individual poster size: 24 by 31 inches (60 by 80 cm)

Posters can be purchased individually or as a series.

Human Kinetics is the premier publisher for resources related to sports and fitness and leads the world in providing information on physical activity. That information takes many forms: consumer books, DVDs, textbooks and their ancillaries, journals, online courses, software, and audiovisual products. The information touches the lives of millions of people worldwide, including athletes, coaches, college students and professors, personal trainers, rehabilitation specialists, physical educators, nutritionists, parents, and sedentary people who want to become active.

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