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Beth Shaw's YogaFit 3rd Edition

Author: Beth Shaw

$24.95 USD

$24.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492507406


Page Count: 336

Whether you are searching for a new physical challenge or a way to incorporate yoga into your exercise routine, Beth Shaw’s YogaFit will help you reach your physical potential.

Expanded and updated, this highly acclaimed program combines challenging conditioning work with strength- and flexibility-building yoga to create a total-body workout.

With YogaFit, you’ll have not only increased overall health, energy, and vitality but also a stronger and leaner body, reduced stress, better posture, improved concentration, and a higher level of fitness.

Written by Beth Shaw, an internationally renowned expert on fitness and yoga, this book presents more than 100 YogaFit poses organized into workout routines that you can use every day. The text includes information on using YogaFit as a training tool for sports and creating personalized routines to meet your own needs. Athletes will benefit from sport-specific routines designed specifically for baseball, basketball, boxing, cycling, golf, kickboxing, running, skiing, snowboarding, softball, swimming, tennis, volleyball, and weightlifting. The full-color photo sequences and step-by-step instruction make it more accessible than ever!

Join the more than 250,000 trained YogaFit instructors and the millions of people who have already tried Beth Shaw’s YogaFit and proved that it works. You’ll get results in a few weeks—and benefits that last a lifetime.

PART I: Preparing to Be YogaFit

Chapter 1: The YogaFit Lifestyle

Chapter 2: YogaFit Essentials

Chapter 3: YogaFit Breathing

Chapter 4: The Three Mountains of YogaFit: Warm-Up, Work, and Cool-Down

PART II: Purposeful Poses

Chapter 5: Core Strength and Stability

Chapter 6: Standing and Balance Poses

Chapter 7: Forward and Backward Bends

Chapter 8: Twists

Chapter 9: Deep Relaxing Stretches and Inversions

PART III: Putting It All Together

Chapter 10: Workouts for Fitness and Sports

Chapter 11: Yoga as Therapy

Chapter 12: Meditation

Beth Shaw is the president and founder of YogaFit, Inc., the largest yoga school in the world. She is recognized as one of the leading experts in the fields of mind–body fitness, health, and nutrition. Shaw is the innovator behind many fitness trends, including YogaFit, YogaLean, and YogaButt. The first and second editions of Beth Shaw’s YogaFit (Human Kinetics) have sold more than 100,000 copies worldwide. YogaLean was published by Ballantine Books/Random House in 2014 and is quickly climbing to best-seller status. Her next book, Yoga for Athletes, is scheduled for release in 2016. 

Shaw and her company have been featured in Time, Huffington Post, USA Today, O: The Oprah Magazine, Glamour, Washington Post, Self, More, and Entrepreneur as well as on CNN, CBS, NBC, Showtime, and E! Entertainment Television. She speaks frequently at universities and corporations on mindfulness in the workplace, health, fitness, and the business of spirituality. Shaw works with the NFL and its officials and is currently on the CanFitPro advisory panel and the Long Island University board of advisors. 

Shaw earned bachelor’s degrees in business administration and nutrition and holds numerous certificates in fitness disciplines. She is an experienced registered yoga teacher (E-RYT) and is a trained yoga therapist through the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT). She has studied yoga in India and Asia.

A lifelong student of fitness, psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and health, Shaw is committed to helping people find their own perfect health both physically and mentally. YogaFit has committed to giving $1 million in free yoga trainings to those in need. Her nonprofit organization, Visionary Women in Fitness, grants scholarships to women. Shaw has dedicated her life to YogaFit and the transformational growth that the company creates globally. She lives in New York and Los Angeles.

"Beth Shaw's YogaFit strikes the perfect balance for both novice and experienced yogis alike. At the foundation is the notion that YogaFit is for everyone, which resonates with anyone who believes in self-acceptance and inclusivity. For those unaccustomed to yoga, they will soon see that YogaFit is a modern take on an age-old practice for flexibility, strength, and power for the mind, body, and spirit."

Rod Macdonald-- Vice President canfitpro and Editor in Chief of canfitpro magazine

Beth Shaw's YogaFit offers you a path to an improved mind and body. No matter what your starting level, you will learn how to become stronger, leaner, and more flexible while reducing stress and improving concentration.”

Petra Robinson-- CEO Petra Robinson Inc.,Fitness Industry Adviser - Zumba Fitness​, Former VP of Aerobics and Fitness Association of American (AFAA)

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