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Badminton 2nd Edition PDF

Steps to Success

Author: Tony Grice

$24.95 USD

$24.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492573296


Page Count: 200

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Players clocking shuttlecocks at speeds of 200 miles per hour, new scoring rules, and nonstop action make badminton one of the fastest racket sports in the world. With Badminton: Steps to Success you will learn the skills and tactics to excel at the highest level. Through detailed, fully illustrated instruction, you will develop precision, power, and finesse as you use this step-by-step guide to master serves, forehands, backhands, clears, drop shots, smashes, drives, and more. Badminton: Steps to Success also breaks down common errors players make and provides corrective techniques to pinpoint problems and improve execution. Over 100 drills will further enforce correct technique, with designated drills for tactical practice, conditioning, and teamwork for doubles play. If you’re ready to master today’s game, rely on the one resource proven to make a difference. Badminton: Steps to Success——part of the popular Steps to Success Sports Series with more than 1.5 million copies sold——is your ticket to winning play. Contents Step 1. Racket Handling and Footwork Step 2. Serve Step 3. Forehand and Backhand Overhead Step 4. Clear Step 5. Drop Shot Step 6. Smash Step 7. Drive Step 8. Advanced Techniques Step 9. Tactics and Strategies Step 10. Doubles Play Step 11. Conditioning

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