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Tumbling Basics

Author: Kathleen Ortiz

$29.00 USD

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$29.00 USD
$22.00 USD

ISBN: 9781450432061


Page Count: 184

Tumbling Basics helps teachers new to tumbling break down each skill into small, easy-to-teach steps. This book focuses on seven tumbling skills that provide the basis for any tumbling program. With Tumbling Basics, you can learn how to safely teach the essential skills needed for tumbling.

Using the book’s clear visual and verbal cues, you can guide the students through each skill—no matter your level of tumbling experience. Tumbling Basics also includes exercises to help students improve their strength and flexibility to perform skills successfully. You can also increase the challenge and fun using the book’s tumbling circuits that give students a way to practice tumbling skills in various combinations.

For each skill, you’ll find a description with step-by-step photos, then circuits that reinforce the new skill. Clear instructions on spotting techniques help you learn to safely guide students through difficult skills, and safety guidelines help you create an environment where students can practice without fear of being injured. This resource is packed with over 200 photos and illustrations and also includes rubrics for each skill. Tumbling Basics brings you the knowledge, tools, and confidence to incorporate a tumbling program, unit, or lesson into your physical education curriculum.

Tumbling provides both physical and mental challenges for your students. With the mastery of each new skill, students improve their physical strength, flexibility, and coordination and increase their mental discipline and self-esteem. By combining basic skills, exciting tumbling circuits, and safety guidelines and techniques, Tumbling Basics will help you uncover the challenge and fun of tumbling for your students.


Text for undergraduate students in physical education teacher education programs. Resource for K-12 physical education teachers and recreation specialists.

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