Sport Therapy for the Shoulder PDF With Online Video
Evaluation, Rehabilitation, and Return to Sport
Author: Todd S. Ellenbecker, Kevin E. Wilk
$48.00 USD
Access Duration: 10 Years

In Sport Therapy for the Shoulder: Evaluation, Rehabilitation, and Return to Sport, readers will learn about best practices and evidence-based guidelines for assessing and treating patients’ shoulder injuries for re-entry into sport. Written by renowned physical therapists Todd S. Ellenbecker and Kevin E. Wilk, this text is a key resource for physical therapists, athletic trainers, sport chiropractors, massage therapists, strength and conditioning professionals, personal trainers, and other clinicians in sports medicine who work with patients recovering from shoulder injuries.
Sport Therapy for the Shoulder guides readers systematically through functional anatomy and biomechanics of the shoulder, examination techniques and pathology, rehabilitation, and return-to-play progressions. The text provides evidence-based principles to assist clinicians in improving joint stabilization, strength, muscular endurance, and range of motion in the shoulder. Return-to-sport programs feature step-by-step progressions for sports including baseball, softball, golf, swimming, and tennis. Illustrated versions of the Thrower’s Ten and Advanced Thrower’s Ten exercise programs, which were developed by coauthor Kevin E. Wilk and colleagues, are provided in the appendix.
The content is enhanced by more than 200 color photos and detailed illustrations that provide visual support and context for conducting specific evaluation and rehabilitation techniques. Additionally, 21 online video clips are available to complement the highly visual book and demonstrate how to perform specific evaluation tests. An image bank is available free to course adopters and is also available for professionals to purchase separately for use in presentations.
The combination of foundational information, evidence-based guidelines, sport-specific return-to-sport programs, online videos, and colorful visual aids makes Sport Therapy for the Shoulder a must-have resource for clinicians who work with patients who have shoulder injuries. Not only will the book prove to be a valuable learning tool, but it will also be a reference that professionals can use continually in their practice.
Part I. Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Shoulder Complex
Chapter 1. Functional Anatomy of the Shoulder Complex
Joint Structure
Muscle Anatomy
Additional Anatomical Structures
Neurovascular Anatomy
Chapter 2. Mechanics of the Shoulder
Primary Biomechanical Principles
Throwing Mechanics
Tennis Serving and Swinging Mechanics
Volleyball Overheard Motions
Golf Swing Mechanics
Swimming Mechanics
Part II. Examination and Pathology of Shoulder Injuries
Chapter 3. Clinical Examination of the Shoulder
Subjective Evaluation (History)
Posture Evaluation
Scapular Evaluation
Evaluation of Glenohumeral Joint Range of Motion
Strength Evaluation
Functional Evaluation
Special Manual Orthopedic Shoulder Tests
Chapter 4. Injury Pathology of the Shoulder
Rotator Cuff Injury
Shoulder Instability
Labral Lesions and Tears
Part III. Rehabilitation of Shoulder Injuries
Chapter 5. Rehabilitation Progressions
Range of Motion Progression
Scapular Stabilization Methods and Progression
Rotator Cuff Exercise Progression
Chapter 6. Surgical Repair and Rehabilitation Protocols
Rotator Cuff Repair
Labral Repair
Part IV. Return to Sport
Chapter 7. Clinical Decision-Making for Return to Sport
Key Criteria for a Return to Sport Evaluation
Interval Throwing Program
Chapter 8. Interval Return to Sport Programs
Objective Criteria
Tennis Program
Baseball and Softball Program
Swimming Program
Golf Program
Improve shoulder internal rotation range of motion for throwing athletes
What is happening in the shoulder complex during a golf swing?
Online Video Demonstrates How To Perform Specific Evaluation Tests

Image bank. Includes more than 200 photographs, more than 40 illustrations, and all of the tables and typeset figures from the text. The images may be used to create handouts, enhance PowerPoint presentations, or create other learning aids for students.
Online Video. Includes 21 online video clips featuring instructions on performing each test to aid viewers and increase comprehension.