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Management Strategies in Athletic Training 5th Edition PDF

$75.00 USD

$75.00 USD

ISBN: 9781492580874


Page Count: 384

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Athletic trainers require more administrative knowledge than ever before, and Management Strategies in Athletic Training, Fifth Edition, is designed to help them master that knowledge.

The latest edition of this respected text prepares athletic trainers to be successful in any setting and with any clientele. It does so by presenting new material that covers trends and issues that today’s athletic trainers are facing.

New to this Edition

Management Strategies in Athletic Training, Fifth Edition, offers a great deal of new content:

• A new chapter on the profession, addressing its history, differentiation between various NATA committees, the evolution of athletic training, and more

• A new chapter on professional advocacy that explains how bills become law, the need for advocacy in the profession, the value of youth sport safety legislation, and more

• New content on documentation, injury surveillance, NATA position statements, reimbursement and salary issues, and new athletic training CPT codes

• A new appendix that lists each state’s scope of practice, board and structure, and regulations for athletic training

Management Strategies in Athletic Training, Fifth Edition, also includes thoroughly updated content in many areas:

• Preparticipation physical exam standards and drug education and testing standards

• Emergency planning

• Health care financial management

• Legal testimony and depositions

• Ethical practices in sports medicine

• Legal standards

• Employment settings

• Negotiation skills

• OSHA requirements for health care facilities


Management Strategies in Athletic Training, Fifth Edition, comes with these ancillaries:

• An instructor guide that is loaded with useful instructional aids, including student activity suggestions, extra case studies, suggested readings, and a sample syllabus

Chapter quizzes with 183 questions you can use to generate tests and quizzes

• An image bank that includes the majority of the figures and tables from the text, which you can use in creating your presentations

Text Features

At the end of each chapter, you will find two helpful tools: case studies with questions for analysis, which will help students apply concepts and theories to real-world situations, and a key concepts review section that repeats the chapter objectives and shows how the chapter addressed those objectives.

The text also provides these pedagogical aids to enhance the student learning experience:

• Key words

• Pearls of Management sidebars that provide insights that readers will find useful during their careers as athletic trainers

• Glossary

• Chapter objectives

• Sample forms

• Key Points (nuggets of practical information)

Strong Content for Many Audiences

Management Strategies in Athletic Training, Fifth Edition, is a comprehensive resource for all athletic trainers, meeting the bulk of the discipline-specific content for an entry-level athletic training curriculum. The text is suitable for entry-level students preparing for credentialing and certification, graduate students preparing for credentialing or working toward an advanced degree, athletic training residents seeking to reinforce and apply leadership techniques in their residency, and practicing athletic trainers who want to update their knowledge and skills in athletic training administration.

Equipped to Meet Today’s and Tomorrow’s Challenges

Management Strategies in Athletic Training, Fifth Edition, is the ideal text to prepare athletic trainers of the future to deal effectively with the many administrative and managerial challenges they will face in an increasingly complex and changing health care environment. Practitioners will find the book’s contemporary approach to addressing today’s management culture very refreshing.


Textbook for undergraduate and graduate athletic training students and those preparing for certification; also a reference for any sports medicine professional.

Chapter 1. The Profession of Athletic Training

Evolution of Athletic Training Education

National Athletic Trainers’ Association

Board of Certification

Appropriate Terminology

Women in Athletic Training

Ethnic Minorities in Athletic Training


Learning Aids

Chapter 2. Principles of Management

Foundations of Management

Three Management Roles

Improving Managerial Effectiveness


Learning Aids

Chapter 3. Program Management

Vision Statements

Mission Statements


Meeting and Conferences

Program Evaluation


Learning Aids

Chapter 4. Human Resource Management

Factors Related to the Sports Medicine Organization

Staff Selection

Personnel Deployment

Staff Supervision

Performance Evaluation

Fair Labor Standards Act and Athletic Training

Work–Life Balance


Learning Aids

Chapter 5. Financial Resource Management


Purchasing Supplies, Equipment, and Services

Inventory Management


Learning Aids

Chapter 6. Facility Design and Planning

Conceptual Development

Elements of Sports Medicine Facility Design


Learning Aids

Chapter 7. Information Management

Why Document?

Two Kinds of Information


Learning Aids

Chapter 8. Revenue for Health Care Services

Insurance Systems

Third-Party Reimbursement

Claims Processing

Purchasing Insurance Services

Revenue Models


Learning Aids

Chapter 9. Ethics in Sports Medicine

Defining Ethics

Relationship Between Legal and Ethical Considerations

The Act of Whistle-Blowing

Practicing Ethically as an Athletic Trainer

Cultural Competence


Learning Aids

Chapter 10. Legal Considerations in Sports Medicine

Legal Principles

Reducing the Risk of Legal Liability

Strategies for Dealing With Legal Challenges


Learning Aids

Chapter 11. Professional Advocacy

How Laws Are Made

Athletic Training Legislation

How to Become an Advocate for the Athletic Training Profession


Learning Aids

Chapter 12. Administration of Clinical Policies and Procedures

Development of a Clinical Policy and Procedure


Appropriate Medical Coverage

Camp Coverage

Crisis Intervention Management


Learning Aids

Chapter 13. Preparticipation Physical Examinations

Why PPEs Are Performed

When PPEs Should Be Conducted

Where and How PPEs Should Be Conducted

What to Evaluate During the PPE

Legal Considerations


Learning Aids

Chapter 14. Drug Education and Testing

Why Drug Testing Should Be Performed

When Drug Testing Should Be Performed

How Drug Testing Should Be Performed

Pharmacological Policy


Learning Aids

Chapter 15. Emergency Action Planning


Communication Procedures

Venue-Specific Plan



Special Considerations


Learning Aids

Appendix A. Health Care Professionals

Appendix B. SWOT Analysis for a Sports Medicine Program

Appendix C. NATA Code of Ethics

Appendix D. Athletic Training: State Regulation, Scope of Practice, Board and Structure, and Regulation

Jeff G. Konin, PhD, ATC, PT, FACSM, FNATA, is chair of the physical therapy department and a Ryan Research professor of neuroscience at the University of Rhode Island (URI) as well as an adjunct professor in the department of family medicine at Brown University. Dr. Konin is a founding partner in The Rehberg Konin Group, which provides scientific investigation, research, and litigation support services for incidents involving sports, physical activity, and rehabilitation. He is the author of the textbooks Clinical Athletic Training; Special Tests for Orthopedic Examination; Documentation for Athletic Training; Reimbursement for Athletic Training; Sports Medicine Conditions—Return to Play: Recognition, Treatment, Planning; Rehabilitation from the Perspective of the Athletic Trainer/Physical Therapist; Working as a Team Physician; Practical Kinesiology for the Physical Therapist Assistant; and Sports Emergency Care. He is a coauthor of the NATA position statement Preparticipation Physical Examinations and Disqualifying Conditions, a contributing writer to the NATA’s Best Practice Guidelines for Athletic Training Documentation, and a contributor to the NATA’s Sports Medicine Legal Digest newsletter.

Konin is a fellow of both the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). He is a recipient of the NATA Service Award (2008), the NATA Continuing Education Excellence Award (2008), the Southeast Athletic Trainers’ Association Education/Administration Athletic Trainer of the Year Award (2010), and the NATA Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Award (2011).

Konin received his doctorate in physical therapy from Nova Southeastern University, a master of physical therapy from the University of Delaware, a master of education from the University of Virginia, and a bachelor of science from Eastern Connecticut State University.

Richard Ray, EdD, ATC, is provost emeritus and a professor of kinesiology at Hope College. He has been a member of the Hope College faculty since 1982 and previously served as the college’s chief academic officer, dean for the social sciences, and chair of the department of kinesiology. He was the college's head athletic trainer, and he developed the academic program in athletic training at Hope. He is the author of more than 40 peer-reviewed journal articles and three books on sports medicine, leadership in higher education, and health care management.

"[This text] covers current topics in a practical manner that makes it easy for athletic trainers to apply them to their daily work. It is an easy-to-read book with good real-life examples.”

Doody’s Book Review (4-star review)

“The text is surprisingly engaging, easily readable and certainly achieves the stated purpose…”

Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy(review of third edition)

“This is the only source athletic trainers can turn to for a comprehensive body of knowledge in management theory and practice.”

The Park & Recreation Trades(review of second edition)

“…the content is practical, useful, comprehensive, and easily applied.”

Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT) (review of third edition)

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through HKPropel.

Instructor guide. Contains useful instructional aids, including student activity suggestions, extra case studies, suggested readings, and a sample syllabus.

Image bank. Includes most of the figures, tables, and photos from the text, sorted by chapter, to provide instructors with flexibility when creating their own customized presentations, handouts, and other course resources.

Chapter quizzes. Includes 183 questions you can use to generate tests and quizzes.

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