Blast through training plateaus, add lean muscle, and achieve your best body ever with The M.A.X. Muscle Plan 2.0, Second Edition., a scientifically proven program to help you maximize your muscle potential and transform your physique. Developed by renowned strength and fitness expert and best-selling author Brad Schoenfeld, the M.A.X. Muscle Plan is a six-month periodized program that manipulates exercise variables to generate clear and steady muscle growth.
With step-by-step instructions for 106 of the most effective exercises, The M.A.X. Muscle Plan 2.0 is your complete guide to total-body transformation. The results will speak for themselves.

Understanding metabolic training
The metabolic phase is a preparatory phase that conditions your body for hypertrophy training. The goal here is to optimize training efficiency by packing more exercise into less time, i.e., increasing training density. This is accomplished by training with a combination of high repetitions (15-30 reps per set) and short rest intervals (approximately 30 seconds or less). Rest intervals progressively decrease over the course of the cycle to bring about the desired metabolic adaptations.
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