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Motor Control and Learning 6th Edition PDF With Web Resource

A Behavioral Emphasis

$90.00 USD

Ebook With Online Resource
$90.00 USD
Hardback With Online Resource
$119.00 USD

ISBN: 9781492581109


Page Count: 552

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Motor Control and Learning, Sixth Edition With Web Resource, focuses on observable movement behavior, the many factors that influence quality of movement, and how movement skills are acquired. The text examines the motivational, cognitive, biomechanical, and neurological processes of complex motor behaviors that allow human movement to progress from unrefined and clumsy to masterfully smooth and agile.

This updated sixth edition builds upon the foundational work of Richard Schmidt and Timothy Lee in previous editions. The three new authors—each a distinguished scholar—offer a range and depth of knowledge that includes current directions in the field. The extensively revised content reflects the latest research and new directions in motor control and learning. Additional new features of the sixth edition include the following:

• A web resource that includes narratives and learning activities from Motor Control in Everyday Actions that correspond with the chapters in the book, giving students additional opportunities to analyze how research in motor learning and control can be expanded and applied in everyday settings

• An instructor guide that offers sample answers for the learning experiences found in the student web resource

• New content on sleep and movement memory, the role of vision, illusions and reaching, the OPTIMAL theory of motor learning, the neuroscience of learning, and more

Motor Control and Learning begins with a brief introduction to the field and an introduction to important concepts and research methods. Part II thoroughly covers motor control with topics such as closed-loop perspective, the role of the central nervous system for movement control, speed and accuracy, and coordination. Part III deals with motor learning, exploring the effects of attentional focus, the structure of practice sessions, the role of feedback, theoretical views of motor learning, and the retention and transfer of skills.

Throughout the book, art and practical examples are included to elucidate complex topics. Sidebars with historical examples, classic research, and examples of real-world applications highlight the importance of motor control and learning research and bring attention to influential research studies and pioneers. End-of-chapter summaries and student assignments reinforce important concepts and terms and provide review opportunities. For instructors, an image bank complements the new instructor guide; it is available to course adopters at

The updated research, new features, and highly respected authors of Motor Control and Learning, Sixth Edition With Web Study Guide, provide a solid foundation for both students and practitioners who study and work in fields that encompass movement behavior.

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