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Music Fundamentals for Dance PDF With Web Resource

Author: Nola Holland

$36.00 USD

Ebook With Online Resource
$36.00 USD

ISBN: 9781492575818


Page Count: 136

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Music Fundamentals for Dance provides students with a fundamental understanding of music and how it applies to dance performance, composition, and teaching. This valuable reference helps professional choreographers, dance educators, and dancers expand their knowledge of music and understand the relationships between music and dance.

Fundamentals of Music for Dance helps dancers understand of the elements of music—form and structure, musical time, melody, texture, and score reading—and how they relate to dance performance and choreography. They will learn music vocabulary for easier communication with other dancers, musicians, and conductors. Overviews of musical forms, styles, and genres are complemented by an examination of their relation to dance and choreography.

Each chapter ends with exercises, activities, and projects that offer students a range of active learning experiences to connect music fundamentals to their dance training. An accompanying web resource contains these features:

• Extended learning activities and support materials, including practice opportunities combining music skills with dance or choreography, chapter summaries, a glossary, websites, and handouts to help students practice music skills

• Music clips on the website offer ready-made examples, which students can use in applying concepts from the book

Written by an experienced dance educator, dancer, and choreographer, Music Fundamentals for Dance is the only current text that explains essential concepts of music and examines these concepts in relation to dance performance, composition, and teaching. By providing readers with a foundation of music knowledge, Music Fundamentals for Dance assists both future and current professionals in understanding the art form that will enhance their contributions as performers, choreographers, and educators.

Chapter 1. Basic Concepts of Music and Notation


Note and Rests



Terms and Symbols of Expression



Chapter 2. Elements of Musical Time

Defining the Elements of Musical Time

Note Value






Chapter 3. Elements of Melody

Two Types of Melody

Melodic Characteristics

Melodic Structure

Cadences of Melodic Phrases

Climaxes of Melodic Phrases



Chapter 4. Texture

Three Types of Musical Texture

Counterpoint and Contrapuntal Devices


Chapter 5. Reading Music Scores

Definition of Music Score

Value of Reading Scores

Solo Instrument or Vocal Score

Piano Scores

Scores for Two or More Instruments or Voices

Other Types of Scores


Chapter 6. Form and Structure

Understanding Musical Form

Repetition and Contrast

Binary Forms

Ternary Forms


Variation Forms



Nola Nolen Holland, MFA, is an assistant professor in the department of dance at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. For 10 years Nolen Holland taught courses in music for dance. Her search for a music text written specifically for dancers led her to create Music Fundamentals for Dance.

An experienced dancer, dance educator, and choreographer, Nolen Holland danced with Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre and has initiated several composer collaborations in order to develop original music for her dance works. She is president of CORPS de Ballet International, Inc., a professional organization for ballet teachers in higher education.

Recognition for Nolen Holland’s choreography includes presentation of her work at the 1992 American College Dance Festival National Gala; the 1994 5th Biennial International University Dance Festival at the Université Lumière in Lyon, France; and the 2007 International Dance Alliance Festival in Chennai, India.

All ancillary materials for this text are FREE to course adopters and available online at

Web resource. Contains chapter summaries, glossary terms and definitions, web links, extended learning activities, and worksheets to aid students in understanding music theory.

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