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Coaching Principles, Fifth Edition Higher Ed Online Course

This course is designed for adoption for college and university coaching classes. If you are an instructor considering adoption of Coaching Principles, Fifth Edition Higher Ed Online Course, please contact your Human Kinetics sales representative.

View a demo of the online course and ancillaries

The higher education course package includes the following:

  • Online Coaching Principles course delivered through HKPropel
  • Successful Coaching, Fifth Edition (paperback or ebook)
  • Online worksheets
  • Online coaching forms
  • Online certification test

For more than 30 years, Human Kinetics' Coaching Principles course has provided students and coaches with foundational knowledge and sage advice for coaching and mentoring athletes to reach their full potential in sport and in life. Hundreds of colleges and universities have adopted Coaching Principles as a component of undergraduate and graduate-level programs in coaching, physical education, and kinesiology. You can do the same—and play a vital role in training the next generation of coaches.

Assembled by a who's who of leading coach educators, this revised and updated course is drawn from the book Successful Coaching, Fifth Edition, written by Rainer Martens, sport psychologist and Human Kinetics founder, and Robin Vealey, professor in the department of sport leadership and management at Miami University in Ohio. World-renowned coach educator and author Wade Gilbert, professor of kinesiology at Fresno State University, served as the course developer. Brian Gearity, director and associate professor of the sport coaching master's program at the University of Denver, appears in short video clips at the end of each unit.

The fifth edition of Coaching Principles stays true to its objective to teach the fundamental tenets of becoming a successful coach, both on and off the field, while being streamlined and offering more practical applications. Each course part corresponds with one of the five book parts.

Part I challenges coaches to determine their motivation for being a coach. Introspective exercises ask coaches to develop a coaching philosophy, coaching objectives, and leadership style that will ultimately drive their every coaching decision and help them stay the course in a high-stakes, hypercompetitive environment.

Part II focuses on understanding and managing athletes' behavior. Successful coaches are master psychologists. Knowing how to communicate with, motivate, discipline, and reward athletes is essential for helping athletes reach their full potential as well as manage their response to pressure situations that can lead to anxiety and burnout.

Being an effective coach means being an effective teacher. Part III provides instruction for teaching technical and tactical skills, developing sport-smart athletes, planning and conducting practices, and implementing the games approach in coaching.

Part IV addresses the coach's role in training athletes to meet the physical demands of sport and achieve peak performance. The course has been updated with the latest scientific research on physical training and nutrition.

Successful coaches are effective administrators, managers, and communicators. Part V covers the team management, relationship management, and risk management skills coaches need to run sport programs that are efficient, cohesive, and safe.

Each unit of the online course begins with a short animation setting the stage for key concepts to be covered, followed by a reading assignment from the course text. The course then presents several interactive coaching scenarios that depict real-life situations coaches are likely to face. Choices and consequences are provided for each, compelling students to weigh potential responses and anticipate outcomes of their choices. A short video clip summarizes key points of the unit, followed by a quiz to check understanding. Coaching development activities, which encourage students to record their takeaways in a comprehensive portfolio for future reference and reflection, can be assigned as homework.

Students will have free access to the Coaching Principles certification test, administered by Human Kinetics and delivered on a separate platform (independent of the class). By passing the test, students with aspirations of becoming a scholastic coach will earn a valuable coaching credential that is recognized by numerous state high school associations and sport organizations nationwide. (Please note that instructors will not have access to the certification test scores.)

Request a review copy of the course using the Review Copy Request Form or by contacting your Human Kinetics sales representative.

The five parts in the course (totaling 20 units) correspond with the five parts (20 chapters) in the Successful Coaching, Fifth Edition, text.

  • Part I. Foundational Skills for Coaches
    • Unit 1. Developing Your Coaching Philosophy
    • Unit 2. Determining Your Coaching Objectives
    • Unit 3. Providing Effective Leadership
    • Unit 4. Coaching Diverse Athletes
  • Part II. Understanding and Managing Athletes' Behavior
    • Unit 5. Communicating With Your Athletes
    • Unit 6. Motivating Your Athletes
    • Unit 7. Using Discipline and Rewards With Athletes
    • Unit 8. Coaching for Character
  • Part III. Being a Great Teacher
    • Unit 9. The Games Approach
    • Unit 10. Teaching Technical Skills
    • Unit 11. Teaching Tactical Skills
    • Unit 12. Planning for Teaching
  • Part IV. Physical Training and Nutrition
    • Unit 13. Training Basics
    • Unit 14. Energy Fitness Training
    • Unit 15. Muscular Fitness Training
    • Unit 16. Fueling Your Athletes
    • Unit 17. Drugs in Sport
  • Part V. Management Skills for Coaches
    • Unit 18. Managing Your Team
    • Unit 19. Managing Relationships
    • Unit 20. Managing Risk

Established in 1981 and rooted in an athlete-centered philosophy that places the developmental needs of athletes ahead of winning at all costs, Human Kinetics Coach Education courses and resources are widely used by youth sport organizations, state high school associations, school districts, state departments of education, colleges and universities, and national governing bodies of Olympic sports to teach, train, and certify coaches.

Instructor ancillaries are free and available only to higher education instructors who adopt the Coaching Principles course. Ancillaries are delivered online through HKPropel.

View a demo of the online course and ancillaries

Instructor guide. Includes lecture outlines, class activities and worksheets, and discussion topics.

Test package. Contains 400 questions in true-false, fill-in-the-blank, essay and short-answer, and multiple-choice formats. The files may be downloaded for integration with a learning management system or printed for use as paper-based tests. Instructors create their own customized quizzes and tests from the test bank questions to assign to students directly through HKPropel. Multiple-choice and true-false questions are automatically graded, and instructors can review student scores in the platform.

In addition, a separate 100-question end-of-semester test is included for instructors who want a ready-made option (questions are gleaned from the test package). Note that this test is not the same as the certification test administered by Human Kinetics and does not qualify students for Human Kinetics certification.

Unit quizzes. Contains ready-made 10-question quizzes to assess student comprehension of the most important concepts in each unit. Each quiz may be downloaded or assigned to students directly through HKPropel. The unit quizzes are automatically graded, and instructors can review student scores in the platform.

Presentation package. Features more than 300 PowerPoint slides containing text, artwork, and tables from the book that can be used for class discussion and presentation. The slides in the presentation package can be used directly within PowerPoint or printed to make handouts for students. Instructors can easily add, modify, and rearrange the order of the slides.

Image bank. Includes most of the figures, content photos, and tables from the text, sorted by chapter. The 140 images can be used in developing a customized presentation based on specific course requirements.

Instructor videos. Contains 19 videos of important content overviews, coaching scenarios, and vignettes to use within class activities or discussions.

Instructors also receive access to all student materials from the course. This includes the course text (Successful Coaching, Fifth Edition) and more than 20 coaching forms and checklists.

Why adopt the Coaching Principles Fifth Edition Higher Ed Online Course for your class?

  • A full suite of instructor ancillaries is available only to Coaching Principles course adopters. Ancillaries and student resources are accessible through HKPropel and include an instructor guide, test package, chapter quizzes, presentation package, image bank, and instructor videos.
  • Students can earn a valuable certification. Numerous state high school associations, school districts, and sport organizations recognize Coaching Principles as meeting coaching education requirements. Students receive free access to the certification test administered by Human Kinetics (independent of your class). The certification will travel with them wherever they go in their future coaching endeavors. If your school is located in either California or Illinois, ask your Human Kinetics sales manager about adding the state-specific component that is also required for certification.
  • By taking the test for certification, students are listed in the National Coaches Registry. The NCR is an online listing of students and coaches who have completed Human Kinetics coaching courses. The registry is publicly accessible allowing future employers to verify students' certifications.

The Coaching Principles, Fifth Edition Higher Ed Online Course draws its contents from the text Successful Coaching, Fifth Edition. As America's best-selling coaching text, Successful Coaching has helped more than a million coaches—aspiring, new, and seasoned coaches alike—to develop and expand their knowledge of coaching and provide the best, most fulfilling sport experience for their athletes.

For this fifth edition, author and sport psychologist Rainer Martens is joined by coauthor Robin Vealey, longtime professor of kinesiology and health at Miami University (Ohio). Together they bring to the text their knowledge and proficiency, gleaned from decades of personal experiences as coaches, athletes, and educators.

The fifth edition of Successful Coaching has been carefully revised in accordance with recommendations of the National Standards for Sport Coaches. It features the latest scientific research in physical training and nutrition, plus best practices, guidelines, and insights from successful coaches addressing a host of today's most pressing topics:

  • Mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and disordered eating
  • Race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation in youth sport
  • Sexual harassment and abuse
  • Motivation, corrective discipline, and burnout
  • Alcohol consumption, drug use, and vaping

Successful Coaching, Fifth Edition, is a practical resource that provides students with the essentials to being an effective coach. The book is included with the course, in paperback or ebook format.