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Coaching Baseball Technical & Tactical Skills PDF

$24.95 USD

$24.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492578284


Page Count: 272

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Numerous coaching books cover the bases on the skills and drills of baseball. But very few hit on the tactical skills of the game: the situational decisions players and coaches make that often determine the outcome of games. That's where Coaching Baseball Technical and Tactical Skills stands out in the lineup of baseball titles available today.

Written by the American Sport Education Program (ASEP) in conjunction with Tom O'Connell, a 30-year veteran coach and 2004 American Baseball Coaches Association Coach of the Year, Coaching Baseball Technical and Tactical Skills prepares you to be a better teacher and tactician of the game. Technical skills—such as hitting, throwing, and fielding—are examined in depth, as well as the tactical skills—such as hit-and-run, double-steal, and double-play defenses—that so many other books pitch around.

Nearly 180 photos and illustrations bring the basic to intermediate technical skills to life, while sample season and practice plans help you in your preparation. With Coaching Baseball Technical and Tactical Skills, you have a resource you can rely on to take you down the base paths to coaching success.

Endorsed by the American Baseball Coaches Association (ABCA), the book serves as a companion resource for the Coaching Baseball Technical and Tactical Skills online course, which, along with Coaching Principles, Sport First Aid, and CPR certification, make up the curriculum for ASEP's Bronze Level coaching certification program.

Click here for an updated version of the Pitcher Basics section, pages 94-101.

Part ITeaching and Evaluating
Chapter 1Teaching Sport Skills
Chapter 2Evaluating Technical and Tactical Skills

Part IITeaching Technical Skills
Chapter 3Offensive Technical Skills
Chapter 4Defensive Technical Skills

Part IIITeaching Tactical Skills
Chapter 5Offensive Tactical Skills
Chapter 6Defensive Tactical Skills

Part IVPlanning for Teaching
Chapter 7Season Plans
Chapter 8Practice Plans

Part VGame Coaching
Chapter 9Preparing for Games
Chapter 10During and After the Game

About ASEP

Coaching Baseball Technical and Tactical Skills was written by the American Sport Education Program (ASEP) with the assistance of Tom O'Connell, a 30-year veteran coach and 2004 American Baseball Coaches Association Coach of the Year.

ASEP has been developing and delivering coaching education courses since 1981. As the nation's leading coaching education program, ASEP works with national, state, and local youth sport organizations to develop educational programs for coaches, officials, administrators, and parents. These programs incorporate ASEP's philosophy of "athletes first, winning second."

"Coaching Baseball Technical and Tactical Skills is truly superb! It is a must for young and old coaches alike. I sincerely feel that it is one of the five best baseball books on the market. It is a great guide in practice planning, the illustrations are excellent and it is outstanding in the presentation of fundamentals. Congratulations to Tom O'Connell and to ASEP; it's as good as it gets."

Gordie Gillespie
Head Baseball Coach
University of St. Francis

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