Whether you are an athlete or amateur lifter trying to build muscle and transform your body or a strength and conditioning coach trying to further your career, we have the best strength and conditioning titles to help you achieve your goals. Further your training with the help of one of our top strength and conditioning books of 2024.

The most comprehensive resource on periodization ever written
Scientific Foundations and Practical Applications of Periodization - Scientific Foundations and Practical Applications of Periodization is the first book of its kind designed to optimize sport performance by integrating classic and modern periodization theories with recovery methodologies, nutritional interventions, and athlete monitoring guidelines.

Integrate sport science into athlete development
Developing the Athlete -Developing the Athlete: An Applied Sport Science Roadmap for Optimizing Performance explains the integration of sport science with an athlete development team to prepare athletes to compete and succeed at every level of competition.

Move explosively for athletic success
Developing Power, Second Edition- Written by the National Strength and Conditioning Association, Developing Power, Second Edition, is the authoritative resource for increasing athletic power. Coverage includes research-based recommendations for power development, assessment protocols, step-by-step instructions for 84 exercises, and sample training programs for 19 sports.LEARN MORE

Strengthen the core to improve athletic performance
Developing the Core, Second Edition -With contributions from 19 of the top names in sport training, science, and conditioning, Developing the Core, Second Edition, features expert advice for developing a personalized core program, along with over 70 of the most effective exercises, science-based assessment tools, and sport-specific programs.

Increase speed and blow past the competition
Developing Speed, Second Edition- Developing Speed is the definitive resource for developing speed training programs to improve performance. Including speed training drills for 12 sports, and assessments for testing speed, this authoritative guide blends theory with best practice to provide all the tools needed for maximizing speed.

Develop high-level aerobic endurance
Developing Endurance, Second Edition- Developing Endurance is the definitive resource for developing aerobic training and strength and conditioning training programs to optimize performance for endurance sports, including running, cycling, swimming, triathlon, and obstacle course racing.

Remain athletic and strong as you age
Age Strong - Age Strong: A Woman’s Guide to Feeling Athletic and Fit After 40 empowers women with a practical, proven approach to gain muscle, improve body composition, increase metabolism, lose body fat, and boost stamina through strength training.

Strength training plans for every stage of a woman’s life