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Softball Coaching Bible, Volume II, The

$24.95 USD

$24.95 USD

ISBN: 9781450424653


Page Count: 384

For more than a decade, coaches have relied on one classic resource for their every coaching need. Featuring the advice, wisdom, and insights from the sport’s legendary coaches, The Softball Coaching Bible, Volume I, has become the essential guide for coaches at every level worldwide.

The Softball Coaching Bible, Volume II, picks up where the first volume left off, providing more instruction, guidance, recommendations, and expertise for every aspect of the sport.

The NFCA has put together another stellar lineup of coaches who share the guidance that helped them establish such well-respected softball programs:

Patty Gasso

Jeanne Tostenson-Scarpello

Chris Bellotto

George Wares

Kris Herman

Bob Ligouri

Karen Weekly

Elaine Sortino

Frank Griffin

Bonnie Tholl

Michelle Venturella

Beth Torina

Jenny Allard

Ehren Earleywine

Erica Beach

Stacey Nuveman

John Tschida

Teena Murray

Donna Papa

Carol Bruggeman

Kyla Holas

Kelly Inouye-Perez

Sandy Montgomery

Rachel Lawson

Kristi Bredbenner

Deanna Gumpf

It’s all here—developing players, building a winning program, assessing and refining essential skills and techniques, and incorporating the most effective strategies for any opponent or in-game situation.

If you coach the sport and want a competitive edge in today’s game, The Softball Coaches Bible, Volume II, is the must-have resource for every season.

Part I Coaching Priorities and Principles

Chapter 1 Sharing the Passion

Chapter 2 Defining Expectations

Chapter 3 Establishing a Winning Attitude

Chapter 4 Playing Hard and Respecting the Game

Chapter 5 Leading by Example

Part II Program Building and Management

Chapter 6 Building a Successful High School Program

Chapter 7 Building a Successful College Program

Chapter 8 Selecting and Mentoring Your Staff

Chapter 9 Promoting Your Program

Chapter 10 Recruiting the Right Way

Part III Effective Practice Sessions

Chapter 11 Structuring Indoor and Outdoor Practices

Chapter 12 Minimizing Monotony

Part IV Player Skills and Team Strategies

Chapter 13 Batting Practice for Power and Consistency

Chapter 14 Firming Up Offensive Fundamentals

Chapter 15 Developing Your Pitching Staff

Chapter 16 Developing Your Receiver

Chapter 17 Fielding Practice for Errorless Play

Chapter 18 Strength Training, Conditioning, and Agility

Part V Player Motivation and Leadership

Chapter 19 Establishing a Positive Player-Coach Relationship

Chapter 20 Understanding Today’s Athlete

Chapter 21 Assessing Your Team's Mental Makeup

Chapter 22 Building Team Chemistry

Chapter 23 Developing Student-Athletes off the Field

Part VI Coaching Challenges, Pressures, and Opportunities

Chapter 24 Handling Each Season's Highs and Lows

Chapter 25 Continuing to Learn, Continuing to Develop

Chapter 26 Coaching, Family, and Personal Priorities

About the NFCA
Established in 1983, the National Fastpitch Coaches Association (NFCA) is the professional growth organization for fastpitch softball coaches from all competitive levels of play. The organization’s 5,500 members include coaches, umpires, clubs, businesses, and fans of fastpitch softball.

Education, events, and awards are the pillars of the organization, highlighted by the annual national convention, regional coaches’ clinics, in-person seminars, All-America teams, Leadoff Classics, and summer student-athlete camps. Members are recognized for their contributions on and off the field, while student-athletes are honored for their academics.

In addition, education remains the organization’s top priority. Featuring a grassroots Coaching Tools package compiled of practice plans, drills, and evaluation forms, the NFCA also disseminates podcasts, forums, a digital education library, virtual coaches’ clinics, webinars, a mentoring program, publications, a drills database, legal counsel, and accurate and credible information surrounding the sport.

The national office is located in the Crescent Hill community of Louisville, Kentucky. This home base of 10 employees, 19 board members, and seasonal interns moved to the Bluegrass State in 2012.

About the Editor
Gayle Blevins served as head coach for Division I collegiate softball programs for 31 years, coaching at Indiana University from 1980 to 1987 and at the University of Iowa from 1988 to 2010. She brought the two teams to the Women’s College World Series seven times and never had a losing season at either university. She led her teams to eight Big Ten championships, winning five of them. She amassed 1,245 wins overall. Additionally, she has seen nearly 80 of her former players become coaches of their own teams across the nation.

Blevins was named NCAA Division I Coach of the Year by the National Softball Coaches Association in 1986 when the Hoosiers finished in third place in the Women’s College World Series under her tutelage. Blevins was inducted into the National Fastpitch Coaches Association Hall of Fame in 1999. Twice she has been selected as the Division I National Coach of the Year.

Blevins now works as a National Fastpitch Coaches College instructor. She also serves as a public speaker for national conventions, service organizations, educational institutions, and corporations across the United States.

The Softball Coaching Bible is the most comprehensive resource offered to coaches in my three decades of coaching fastpitch softball. This book provides insight from some of the best coaches in the game to help you develop your players and take your program to the next level.”

Mike Candrea-- Head Softball Coach University of Arizona

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