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PE Metrics 3rd Edition

Assessing Student Performance Using the National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education

$72.00 USD

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$72.00 USD
$54.00 USD

ISBN: 9781492526667


Page Count: 360

If you are looking for the definitive resource to help you measure your students’ achievement, your search is over.

PE Metrics: Assessing Student Performance Using the National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education, Third Edition, aligns with SHAPE America’s National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education, was created by SHAPE America and its writing team, and was reviewed by researchers and teachers with expertise in assessment. The result is a text that you can use with confidence as you help develop physical literacy in your students.

Written for physical educators, administrators, and curriculum writers (and for physical education majors and minors), this latest edition offers the following:

• 130 ready-to-use assessments for kindergarten through grade 12 (65 elementary, 43 middle school, and 22 high school)

• Worksheets, checklists, and rubrics that support the assessments

• Guidance on creating your own assessments for any lesson or unit

These assessments are aligned with the three SHAPE America lesson planning books for elementary, middle, and secondary school and dovetail with SHAPE America’s The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education. The assessments can be used as they are, or you can modify them or use them as samples in creating assessments that are best suited to your needs.

PE Metrics, now in a four-color design, is organized into four main parts: Part I introduces the purpose and uses of assessment, how to develop an assessment plan, and the various types of assessments and tools you can use. Part II contains sample assessments for students in grades K-5, focusing on fundamental motor skills; as such, the elementary-level assessments center heavily on Standard 1. In part III, the emphasis shifts to middle school assessments, with a concentration on Standard 2 and on the categories of dance and rhythms, invasion games, net/wall games, fielding/striking games, outdoor pursuits, aquatics, and individual-performance activities. Part IV offers sample assessments for high school students, with a priority on providing evidence of the knowledge and skills students will need to remain active and fit after they leave high school.

This resource provides a comprehensive, performance-based assessment system that enables you to incorporate assessment into every facet of your teaching, create assessments that are unique to your program, and measure your students’ performance against the grade-level outcomes. The assessments are process focused and are designed to measure multiple constructs as well as provide meaningful feedback to students—ultimately helping them to develop holistically across all three learning domains (psychomotor, cognitive, and affective).

PE Metrics will help you instill in students the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.

Human Kinetics is proud to publish this book in association with SHAPE America, the national organization that defines excellence for school-based health and physical education professionals across the United States.


Resource for K-12 physical education teachers and administrators. Textbook for undergraduate physical education courses.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Frank Duncan
National Standards Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 PE

These are the standards that we all as PE teachers draw from when developing lesson plans. This should be on every PE teacher's desk!

Donna Genge
PE Metrics 3rd Edition

Loved the instant Assessment Sheets that I can copy and have ready for class!