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One Goal

The Mindset of Winning Soccer Teams

Author: Bill Beswick

$7.99 USD $19.95 USD

$7.99 USD
$19.95 USD

ISBN: 9781450465786


Page Count: 232

In soccer, perhaps more than any other sport, success hinges on team performance rather than individual play. As coaches are well aware, inspiring a group of players to perform as a finely tuned, coordinated unit is an on-going challenge. While several factors interfere with cohesion and flow of a soccer team, no published work has specifically addressed how to prevent and conquer such problems . . . until now.

In One Goal: The Mindset of Winning Soccer Teams, internationally renowned performance psychologist and author of the best-selling Focused for Soccer, Bill Beswick, delivers an unrivaled guide to developing a winning team mindset.

One Goal is arranged sequentially, providing invaluable insights on the various challenges facing coaches when pursuing a winning team mindset. You’ll find techniques, tools and suggestions to implement when addressing both common and unique challenges throughout the season. Specific contexts such as cup finals and tournaments are featured as well.

Recognizing team mindset as a factor distinguishing success from failure, One Goal features proven strategies from one of soccer’s top performance psychologists. It’s a soon-to-be classic that you will turn to again and again.

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