Instructing Hatha Yoga 2nd Edition With Web Resource
A Guide for Teachers and Students
Author: Diane M. Ambrosini
$51.00 USD
The world of yoga has exploded since the first edition of Instructing Hatha Yoga was published in 2006. Millions more enthusiasts worldwide are experiencing the physical benefits and mindful awareness of yoga in gyms and spas, the training rooms of professional sport teams, prisons and hospitals, and even classrooms.
With the increasing demand for qualified yoga teachers who can meet the needs of a diverse group of students, this updated edition of Instructing Hatha Yoga could not have come at a better time. Featuring detailed instructions on teaching 68 yoga poses and more than 200 photos showing the postures, the text covers all aspects of safe and confident hatha yoga instruction.
The second edition is enhanced with the following features:
• Updated verbal and visual cues to use in teaching each posture
• Sample children’s and prenatal classes
• 75 new video clips that demonstrate yoga poses and modifications and instruct on physically assisting and adjusting students
• New online teacher resource with self-inquiry questionnaire, class evaluation, chapter review questions, and other printable instructional resources
Master teacher and author Diane Ambrosini retains her original emphasis on simple cues for bringing students into proper alignment and deeper mental focus and detailed instructions for making safe and effective hands-on modifications and adjustments of yoga poses. The book highlights issues of importance to even the most experienced instructors, including creating a safe and comfortable learning environment, structuring a class, teaching pranayama (breath work), and handling personal integrity and ethics.
Developed in line with the New Yoga Alliance Standards and the Yoga Teachers’ Registry requirements, Instructing Hatha Yoga is a comprehensive and user-friendly guide to becoming a confident and qualified yoga instructor. Students and teachers not only will learn how to teach yoga poses, but they will also know how to direct students toward deeper self-awareness to positively affect their lives for years to come.
Resource for yoga instructors in yoga studios and schools, campus recreation, recreation and leisure settings, fitness centers, dance studios, hospitals, and community settings.
Part I The Practice of Yoga
Chapter 1 Understanding Yoga
Chapter 2 Basics of Teaching Yoga
Chapter 3 Creating a Class Environment
Chapter 4 Breathing and Beyond
Chapter 5 Energy and Anatomy
Part II Asanas and Adjustments
Chapter 6 Sun Salutations
Chapter 7 Standing Postures
Chapter 8 Seated Postures
Chapter 9 Supine and Prone Postures
Chapter 10 Inverted Postures
Chapter 11 Restorative Postures
Part 3 Structuring a Class
Chapter 12 Class Framework
Chapter 13 Sample Classes
The four primary types of yoga
Yoga equipment selection
Yoga styles and sample sessions
All ancillary materials for this text are FREE to course adopters and available online at