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Defensive Football Strategies

$32.95 USD

$32.95 USD

ISBN: 9780736001427


Page Count: 320

They say that defense wins championships. If so, this book is your formula for winning a title with a solid defensive football team.

Defensive Football Strategies is a complete collection of tactics, teachings, and insights from some of the best defensive minds in the game. Readers will find winning strategies from 90 top coaches—legends of both the past and the present—including Bob Stoops of the University of Oklahoma, Bo Schembechler of the University of Michigan, Charlie McBride of the University of Nebraska, and R.C. Slocum of Texas A & M.

Inside are 73 detailed presentations on many of football's most successful defensive systems used during the past 40 years. With the help of 600 X-and-O diagrams, the book covers these areas:

- Philosophies, fronts, and schemes
- Run defenses
- Pass defenses
- Formation and down-and-distance adjustments
- Goal line defenses

Defensive Football Strategies was developed in cooperation with the American Football Coaches Association. It's an expert resource that coaches can use to build a defense that will win it all.

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