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The best strength and conditioning books published in 2023

Whether you are an athlete or amateur lifter trying to build muscle and transform your body or a strength and conditioning coach trying to further your career, we have the best strength and conditioning titles to help you achieve your goals. Further your training with the help of one of our top strength and conditioning books of 2023.

Kettlebell Strength Training Anatomy

Take an inside look at kettlebell training

Kettlebell Strength Training Anatomy - Kettlebell Strength Training Anatomy provides you with an inside look at kettlebell training. With 50 exercises and over 100 full-color anatomical illustrations, this in-depth guide will help you understand the link between training, strength, and performance.

The Overload System of Strength

Your time-tested system for rapid strength gains

The Overload System of Strength - The Overload System for Strength takes a step back in time to uncover the training methods used by the strongest lifters from the early to mid 1900s, providing a tested, proven approach to achieving strength gains in the shortest time possible.

Strength Training for Fat Loss
Your guide to losing fat, adding muscle, and looking great

Strength Training for Fat Loss, Second Edition- As a leader in the fitness industry, Nick Tumminello offers a plan for losing fat with ready-to-use programs that use the three Cs of metabolic strength training—circuits, combinations, and complexes—to accelerate your metabolism and maximize fat loss while maintaining and even adding muscle.

Metabolic Training

60 metabolic training programs designed for real people

Metabolic Training -With over 100 exercises and 60 workouts targeting specific training goals—endurance, fat loss, lean muscle mass, power and strength, and athletic performance—Metabolic Training prepares you to get the most out of your training.

The Complete Guide to Strength Training Methods

Introduce variety into your training programs

The Complete Guide to Strength Training Methods- The Complete Guide to Strength Training Methods is a unique compilation of more than 230 training techniques that will drive you toward your goals and help improve all aspects of fitness and performance, including strength, power, hypertrophy, endurance, flexibility, and cardiovascular capacity.

Breathe Focus Excel

Learn breathing techniques to improve athletic performance

Breathe Focus ExcelBreathe, Focus, Excel draws the connection between breath and movement to help you reach your ultimate athletic potential. Learn the breathing exercises that will help you move with greater efficiency and ease, improve aerobic capacity, enhance focus, and excel in competitive situations.

Jim Stoppani's Encyclopedia of Muscle and Strength

Increase strength, build mass, and chisel your physique

Jim Stoppani's Encyclopedia of Muscle and Strength - Whether you seek to maximize muscle mass, strength, or fat loss, Jim Stoppani’s Encyclopedia of Muscle & Strength, Third Edition, will deliver visible results with over 380 exercises and nearly 140 ready-to-use workouts.

Complete Guide to TRX Suspension Training

Expert advice to take your TRX® training to the next level

Complete Guide to TRX® Suspension TrainingComplete Guide to TRX® Suspension Training®, Second Edition, offers 100 of the most effective Suspension Training® exercises. With 24 ready-to-use programs, 40 variations, and extensive training advice, this book is a must-have for anyone seeking to maximize their workout—and their results.

Training and Conditioning for MMA

Follow the same training programs as MMA champions

Training and Conditioning for MMA - Based on scientific evidence, Training and Conditioning for MMA covers physical training, nutrition, and injury prevention for all martial arts disciplines. It uses actual training programs and showcases real examples from countless elite MMA fighters.