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Ten best yoga books for practitioners and instructors

Whether you're new to yoga or have been practicing for years, our best-selling yoga books can take your home-based or studio practice to a new level. Learn new asanas or find new ways to sequence traditional poses to improve mental and physical strength. Focus on breathing, pranayama, meditation, and mindfulness. Kindle self-awareness and enhance your well-being. Buy these books for yourself and for the yogi on your holiday gift list.

Yoga Anatomy, Third Edition

This best-selling anatomy guide for yoga has sold over one million copies. With more full-color anatomical illustrations and in-depth information, Yoga Anatomy, Third Edition, by Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews provides you with a deeper understanding of yoga and of the structures and principles underlying each movement. Whether you are just beginning your journey or have been practicing for years, Yoga Anatomy allows you to see each movement in an entirely new light. Available in paperback, ebook, and spiral bound versions!

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Yin Yoga book or ebook for people over 50 years of age

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi, Yin Yoga 50+ is the perfect guide to help mature adults harness the power of yin yoga and experience a more peaceful, balanced life. The long, passive stretches help you release tension, increase flexibility, and improve mobility. And the slow, mindful nature of the practice helps reduce stress and calms your mind, giving you a greater feeling of well-being. With this full-color book, you’ll discover the benefits of each pose, sequences that help with everything from sore shoulders to improving your golf game, and a daily 15-minute practice to take the stress out of your joints and muscles.

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The Physiology of Yoga book and ebook

The Physiology of Yoga by Andrew McGonigle and Matthew Huy features science-based information about how the body responds and adapts to a yoga practice within each system of the body. Get practical information in Try It Yourself sidebars, which focus on stretching, meditation, and breathing. Use the 14 Myth or Fact sidebars to assess popular claims about yoga, such as whether a shoulder stand can stimulate the thyroid. Then experience firsthand how yoga affects your own physiology with specific yoga poses and four sequences that highlight physiological principles.

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Journey Into Yin Yoga

Take time to decompress and relieve stress to face the challenges and joys of life with steadiness and grace. A Journey Into Yin Yoga, with world-renowned yoga instructor Travis Eliot, guides you through this effective approach for improving flexibility, adaptability, strength, and healing. Move slowly and mindfully through varied poses—holding each for several minutes—as you gently allow those tissues to stretch, facilitating better circulation and joint health. With stunning photos and detailed instruction, you'll be inspired to discover your unique path to improved mental and physical strength and balance.

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Your Yoga Business

Do you want to know what it takes to generate real and sustainable growth as a yoga business owner? Your Yoga Business by renowned yoga business expert Ava Taylor is a one-of-a-kind resource that gives you an honest look at what it really takes to succeed in today’s environment.The activities in each chapter and 45 downloadable and customizable forms provide you with the step-by-step actions to reimagine your business, define your goods and services, build your business plan, master consistent and courageous marketing, implement your plan, and—best of all—get it done.

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Big and Bold: Yoga for the Plus-Size Woman

Big & Bold: Yoga for the Plus-Size Woman by Laura Burns demonstrates the freedom, empowerment, comfort, strength, and mobility that plus-size women can build through yoga. Get clear instructions for a variety of seated, kneeling, standing, reclined, and restorative poses, along with options for body positioning and prop usage, so you can choose the variations that work best for your body. Sample sequences of four energizing practices and four relaxing practices will guide you in creating an effective home yoga practice.

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Motivational Yoga book or ebook

Motivational Yoga by Nancy Gerstein presents 100 ready-to-use lesson plans that vary in length to help teachers and serious students save valuable preparation time and understand how to bring yoga concepts and philosophies into practice and everyday living. Beginning with the basics of breathing, this book progresses to the physical and spiritual philosophy of asana and pranayama and ends with lessons to bring clarity, calmness, and joy into daily living. Use Motivational Yoga to demonstrate how the strength, balance, and stretching of the physical practice can inspire a healthy, complete, and joyous existence on and off the mat.

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Rocket Yoga book or ebook

Great for yoga instructors as well as practitioners, Rocket® Yoga: Your Guide to Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa by David Kyle guides you through nine activities to prepare you for practice before exploring over 90 poses with detailed instructions and stunning photographs. You’ll put the postures to work through six traditional ashtanga series before adding a new dimension to your practice with five Rocket yoga series—each with a targeted focus. With consistent practice, you’ll soon reap the rewards of stress relief; improved strength, balance, and flexibility; and increased consciousness.

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Yoga for Runners

If you're painfully familiar with stiffness, muscle imbalances, and overuse injuries, let Yoga for Runners by Christine Felstead show you how to incorporate yoga and breathing techniques into your workouts, help you eliminate chronic aches and pains, and keep you running stronger and longer. Each of the yoga poses—selected especially for runners—is described in detail to ensure correct execution and improve your strength, mobility, and flexibility. Thirteen yoga sequences focus on areas of concern such as core stability, increasing mobility of the hip joint, and speeding up the recovery process after a run.

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Power Yoga

Power Yoga: Strength, Sweat, and Spirit, provides the poses, practices, and philosophy of this fitness- and focus-boosting training method that delivers high intensity and quick results. Author Leah Cullis offers expert instruction for effective practice of dozens of poses, with 5- to 60-minute sequences to customize your routine. Build strength, reduce stress, enhance flexibility, and develop focus with the 28-day plan that lets you progressively become your most powerful self.

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