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Coaching Youth Cheerleading

$16.95 USD

$16.95 USD

ISBN: 9780736074445


Page Count: 152

We've got spirit—how 'bout you? As a newly anointed youth cheerleading coach, you've demonstrated that you have the spirit to coach, but what about the know-how? Even if you were a cheerleader in a previous life, being a cheerleader and coaching a cheer squad are two different things. Not to worry: Coaching Youth Cheerleading will help you sort out the herkies from the handsprings and provide you with the tools and knowledge to run your cheerleading squad with confidence.

Written especially for coaches of cheerleaders ages 14 and under by cheerleading heavyweights Varsity Brands and the American Sport Education Program (ASEP), Coaching Youth Cheerleading is the definitive guide for youth cheerleading coaches. Dozens of drills, games, and cheers are all supplemented by photos depicting correct form and position. Also included are introductions to techniques for performing cheers and dances, partner stunts and pyramids, and jumps and tumbling routines. Highlighted throughout the book are coaching tips you can reference quickly.

In addition to the basic skills and responsibilities for cheerleading, you will gain valuable insight on general coaching concepts such as coaching philosophy, communicating with squad members and parents, and preparing for the season. You'll also learn basic sport first aid protocols for injuries and illnesses you might encounter during practices or games. A glossary of cheerleading terms, assorted forms and checklists that you can copy for use with your own squad, and 30 cheers and sidelines will help you begin building a foundation of material.

Coaching Youth Cheerleading is the resource upon which the ASEP Coaching Youth Cheerleading online course is based. The course is available with the eBook version (PDF) of the book or with the printed text. New cheer coaches will especially benefit from the course as well as earn three-year ASEP certfication by completing it.

Welcome to Coaching
Welcome From Varsity Brands

1. Stepping Into Coaching
2. Communicating as a Coach
3. Understanding Rules and Equipment
4. Providing for Squad Members' Safety
5. Teaching and Shaping Skills
6. Cheers, Sidelines, and Dances
7. Partner Stunts and Pyramids
8. Jumps and Tumbling
9. Preparing for the Season
10. Coaching on Game Day

Appendix A: Related Checklists and Forms
Appendix B: Cheerleading Terms
Appendix C: 30 Cheers and Sidelines
About ASEP

Coaching Youth Cheerleading was co-written by Varsity Brands and the American Sport Education Program (ASEP).

Varsity Brands was founded in 1974 and today trains more than 350,000 young people at various summer camps annually. As the largest cheerleading educational company in the world, Varsity Brands has helped to expand cheerleading's popularity through several educational entities including the Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA) and the National Cheerleaders Association (NCA), and its ESPN televised national cheerleading championships. Varsity Spirit is headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee.

ASEP has been developing and delivering coaching education courses since 1981. As the nation's leading coaching education program, ASEP works with national, state, and local youth sport organizations to develop educational programs for coaches, officials, administrators, and parents. These programs incorporate ASEP's philosophy of “Athletes first, winning second.”

American Sport Education Program

Coaching Youth Cheerleading

$16.95 USD

We've got spirit—how 'bout you? As a newly anointed youth cheerleading coach, you've demonstrated that you have the spirit to coach, but what about the know-how? Even if you were a cheerleader in a previous life, being a cheerleader and coaching a cheer squad are two different things. Not to worry: Coaching Youth Cheerleading will help you sort out the herkies from the handsprings and provide you with the tools and knowledge to run your cheerleading squad with confidence.

Written especially for coaches of cheerleaders ages 14 and under by cheerleading heavyweights Varsity Brands and the American Sport Education Program (ASEP), Coaching Youth Cheerleading is the definitive guide for youth cheerleading coaches. Dozens of drills, games, and cheers are all supplemented by photos depicting correct form and position. Also included are introductions to techniques for performing cheers and dances, partner stunts and pyramids, and jumps and tumbling routines. Highlighted throughout the book are coaching tips you can reference quickly.

In addition to the basic skills and responsibilities for cheerleading, you will gain valuable insight on general coaching concepts such as coaching philosophy, communicating with squad members and parents, and preparing for the season. You'll also learn basic sport first aid protocols for injuries and illnesses you might encounter during practices or games. A glossary of cheerleading terms, assorted forms and checklists that you can copy for use with your own squad, and 30 cheers and sidelines will help you begin building a foundation of material.

Coaching Youth Cheerleading is the resource upon which the ASEP Coaching Youth Cheerleading online course is based. The course is available with the eBook version (PDF) of the book or with the printed text. New cheer coaches will especially benefit from the course as well as earn three-year ASEP certfication by completing it.

Welcome to Coaching
Welcome From Varsity Brands

1. Stepping Into Coaching
2. Communicating as a Coach
3. Understanding Rules and Equipment
4. Providing for Squad Members' Safety
5. Teaching and Shaping Skills
6. Cheers, Sidelines, and Dances
7. Partner Stunts and Pyramids
8. Jumps and Tumbling
9. Preparing for the Season
10. Coaching on Game Day

Appendix A: Related Checklists and Forms
Appendix B: Cheerleading Terms
Appendix C: 30 Cheers and Sidelines
About ASEP

Coaching Youth Cheerleading was co-written by Varsity Brands and the American Sport Education Program (ASEP).

Varsity Brands was founded in 1974 and today trains more than 350,000 young people at various summer camps annually. As the largest cheerleading educational company in the world, Varsity Brands has helped to expand cheerleading's popularity through several educational entities including the Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA) and the National Cheerleaders Association (NCA), and its ESPN televised national cheerleading championships. Varsity Spirit is headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee.

ASEP has been developing and delivering coaching education courses since 1981. As the nation's leading coaching education program, ASEP works with national, state, and local youth sport organizations to develop educational programs for coaches, officials, administrators, and parents. These programs incorporate ASEP's philosophy of “Athletes first, winning second.”


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